Slava DI - The Seven Creative Gods- (Page 191) Let us give a few - TopicsExpress


Slava DI - The Seven Creative Gods- (Page 191) Let us give a few instances, beginning with the latest narrative, the Hebrew, and thus if possible trace the allegories to their origin. 1. Whence the Creation in six days, the seventh day as day of rest, the seven Elohim, [ In the first chapter of Genesis the word “God” represents the Elohim - Gods in the plural, not one God. This is a cunning and dishonest translation. For the whole Kabalah explains sufficiently that the Alhim (Elohim) are seven: each, creates one of the seven things enumerated in the first chapter, and these answer allegorically to the seven creations. To make this clear, count the verses in which it is said “And God saw that it was good,” and you will find that this is said seven times - in verses 4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, and 31. And though the compilers cunningly represent the creation of man as occurring on the sixth day, yet, having made man “male and female in the image of God,” the Seven Elohim repeat the sacramental sentence. “It was good, “ for the seventh time, thus making of man the seventh creation, and showing the origin of this bit of cosmogony to be in the Hindu creations. The Elohim are, of course, the seven Egyptian Khnûmû, the “assistant-architects”: the seven Amshaspends of the Zoroastrians: the Seven Spirits subordinate to Ildabaoth of the Nazareans; the seven Prajâpati of the Hindus, etc.] and the division of space into heaven and earth, in the first chapter of Genesis? The division of the vault above from the Abyss, or Chaos, below is one of the first acts of creation or rather of evolution, in every cosmogony. Hermes in Pymander speaks of a heaven seen in seven circles with seven Gods in them. We examine the Assyrian tiles and find the same on them - the seven creative Gods busy each in his own sphere. The cuneiform legends narrate how Bel prepared the seven mansions of the Gods; how heaven was separated from the earth. In the Brahmanical allegory everything is septenary, from the seven zones, or envelopes, of the Mundane Egg down to the seven continents, islands, seas, etc. The six days of the week and the seventh, the Sabbath, are based primarily on the seven creations of the Hindu Brahma, the seventh being that of man; and secondarily on the number of generation. It is pre-eminently and most conspicuously phallic. In the Babylonian system the seventh day, or period, was that in which man and the animals were created. 2. The Elohim make a woman out of Adam’s rib. [ Gen., ii.21, 22.] This process is found in the Magical Texts translated by G. Smith. The seven Spirits bring forth the woman from the loins of the man, explains Mr. Sayce in his Hibbert Lectures. [ Op.cit., p.395, note.] (Page 192) The mystery of the woman who was made from the man is repeated in every national religion, and in Scriptures far antedating the Jewish. You find it in the Avestan fragments, in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and finally in Brahmâ, the male, separating from himself, as a female self, Vâch, in whom he creates Virâj. 3. The two Adams of the first and second chapters in Genesis originated from garbled exoteric accounts coming from the Chaldaeans and the Egyptian Gnostics, revised later from the Persian traditions, most of which are old Aryan allegories. As Adam Kadmon is the seventh creation, [ The seventh esoterically, exoterically the sixth.] so the Adam of dust is the eighth; and in the Purânas one finds an eighth, the Anugraha creation, and the Egyptian Gnostics had it. Irenaeus, complaining of the heretics says of the Gnostics: Sometimes they will have him [man] to have been made on the sixth day, and sometimes on the eighth. [ Contra Hereses. 1. xviii.2.] The author of The Hebrew and Other Creations writes: These two creations of man on the sixth day and on the eighth were those of the Adamic, or fleshly man, and of the spiritual man, who were known to Paul and the Gnostics as the first and second Adam, the man of earth and the man of Heaven. Irenaeus also says they insisted that Moses began with the Ogdoad of the Seven Powers and their mother, Sophia (the old Kefa of Egypt, who is the Living Word at Ombos). Op. cit, by Gerald Massey. p.19] Sophia is also Aditi with her seven sons. One might go on enumerating and tracing the Jewish “revelations” ad infinitum to their original sources, were it not that the task is superfluous, since so much is already done in that direction by others - and done thoroughly well, as in the case of Gerald Massey, who has sifted the subject to the very bottom. Hundreds of volumes, treatises, and pamphlets are being written yearly in defence of the “divine-inspiration” claim for the Bible; but symbolical and archaeological research is coming to the rescue of truth and fact - therefore of the Esoteric Doctrine - upsetting every argument based on faith and breaking it as an idol with feet of clay. A curious and learned book, The Approaching End of the Age, by H. Gratton Guinness, professes to solve the mysteries of the Bible chronology and to prove thereby God’s direct revelation to man. Among other things its author thinks that:
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:16:10 +0000

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