Slavery in the bible:Joshua9:21 but let them be hewers of wood & - TopicsExpress


Slavery in the bible:Joshua9:21 but let them be hewers of wood & drawers of water unto al the congregation as the princes had promised,to be used,Joshua9:27 Joshua did the same unto the Altar even unto this day,in the place which he should choose (the passages of Joshua what I read is purely slavery what God command,Leviticus25:46 ye shal take them as an inheritance & take them for a possesion;they shal be your bondmen forever (you are bond to family or ruler forever no freedom,N.I.V is says that you make them slaves for life.Isaiah56:4-5 the lord said choose the things that pleases me & take hold of my covenant (that also means sons & daughters) I wil give them an everlasting name,that shal nt be cut off,Deut20:11 al people in it shal be subject to force labour & shal work for read the Quran,ch4:3 say:marry women of your chioce;4,3 or 2 but if you fear of doing injustice then marry 1,their stil child labor,slavery in India,Europe by christians,slavery was demolished in the time of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh),he was a merchant but never deal in slave trade,Saydinah Bilal(may ALLAH be please with him),a black Abysinian who the Prophet of Islam set free,he had a beautiful vioce & was the 1st 1 to give the Athaan(the muslim cal to pray),if this is stil be donee nomatter what muslim,its evil & agianst Islam,Islam favor on hypocrisy,nt christianity,look the Roman Catholic,peadophiles,u can stil remain a priest,to most church leading men,if their is a scandal or fraud,they make a nioce,but its stil sweep under the carpet,in the time when Caliph Umr(r.a) & Uthmaan(r.a) ruled,muslims were allowed to pay zakaat (a some of money which is for the poor & children),never Jews,christian & even pagan nt allow to pay tax,if you go to the time when muslims ruled Spain for 800 years & India for a 1000 years,the christians wil give testament that was the best time they lived in,even in Saudi Arabia,Jeddah where their live christians.Slavery in the bible:Joshua9:21 but let them be hewers of wood & drawers of water unto al the congregation as the princes had promised,to be used.Exodus21:5-6 but if the servant declares,I love my master & my wife & children & do not want to go free,then his master must take him before the judges.he shall take him to the door or the doorpost & piece his ear with an awl (How inhumain).The Prophet of Islam say with the slave,feed them of what you eat & cloth them what you wear,if you nt beable to do it,set them free. Women,chiefs of different tribes asked the Prophets hand in marriage for their daughters or sisters or with woman of different tribes is to bring them together in unity & da woman would go & report what kind of man is he,with morals & standards dat you can find nowhere.the missionaries of today accuse the Prophet of marrying Ayesha(may the Creator be pleased with her) when she was 9 years old.let us investigate if the accusations are correct or intend to make mischief:the pagans of Makkah & Jews Madinah accused the Prophet of being a poet,a trickster,a forger & every other false charge(may the Creator forgive)during his lifetime,but never of being untruthful or marrying a girl who was too young.let me analyse this charge:it is generally believed that Aisha(may ALLAH be pleased with her)was 9 years old at the time of her marriage with the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).the Roman Catholic priest that are peadophiles?their must actually be a protest agianst that,why is it being swept under the carpet?but its Islam,look at some Russian women,build in big statue,christians are nt even scientific equipt,it should be noted that in countries where the climate is hot,the children mature earlier than in colder countries,Prophets & most of the companions of the Prophet of Islam were big biuld, most christians only take illications from what others written agianst Islam,they dont even do research,not to take the effort of investicating,the Quran advice me aswel to you in your bible to search the scripture. It is written Abraham had 2 wives Galatians4:22,Sarah treated Hagar harshly,but nt in the Quran,to give the understanding that the bible have a personal vendetta agianst her,you wil agree & majority of christians say that Abraham had 2 wives,forgetting that the bible say that Abraham took a wife Keturah Genesis25:1 & in Chronicles1:32 say Keturah is Abrahams concubine,she had 8 sons,if a answer cannot be given wife or concubine,then their is a contradiction,Solomon had 700 wives & 300 concubines 1 Kings11:3,their are nt a single word of reproach in the book of godthe holy bible agianst polygamous marriages.if a man have 2 wives,1 beloved & another hated Deut21:15,Rev Maudley of the Latter Day Saint church in America,his daughter Isa is happy with 2 mothers(on the 9:30pm series of tv3,June1998)why in Islam is it allowed,but nt forced upon to have more then 1 wife,if he is by the means in doing justice & wealth,saving the woman from the streets when she cant cope with the lost of the only breadwinner,so she is saved from lewdness when you also take her look after her,nt to enslave her.we are the Creator slaves without personal relationship.David took him more concubines 2 Samuels5:13,David the sons of the concubines & Tamar their sister 1 Chronicles3:9 & ch14:3,Rehoboam had 18 wives & 60 concubines 2 Chronicles11:21,neither shal he multiply wives to himself,that he heart turn nt away:neither shal he greatly multiply to himself silver & gold Deut17:17,this is why we wil always be stuck with this problem in al want to drink milk you whole life,have some honey with it.a good sustance.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 16:07:55 +0000

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