#SlavesOfDunya! *shouts* And one by one their heads turn! - TopicsExpress


#SlavesOfDunya! *shouts* And one by one their heads turn! Astagfirullah. How many of us have answered the call of dunya? Of course, we will deny it to death! NO. WE HAVEN’T. We haven’t? Really? Reflect from these: • When someone says wear hijab, you say it is not mandatory or I am not yet ready. • When someone says grow the beard, you say it is not mandatory or it makes me look old.n • When someone says only go out with a mahram, you say I can go by my own, I am old enough. • When someone says do not wear make up, you say so I should look haggard in front of people? • When someone says give to the poor the best of your belongings, you say I worked hard for this and you want me to just give it to some stranger? • When someone says do not smoke you say it is only makruh to smoke. • When someone says why do you not pray, you say it is between me and Allah or like I do not have time, I’m too busy. Astagfirullah! We ask Allah Azza Wa Jall for the Your Abundant Mercy! May you Allah forgive us for our shortcomings, indeed we frequently do wrong ourselves. These are just some of the questions that will make you reflect! But my point here is that, we defend our desires, and we unknowingly defend the dunya. We always had a reason to not do such beautiful acts of worship and obedience to Allah! (No offense, but this is so true, and you all know that in yourselves!) This is a mere reflection of someone telling us itaqqullah and we say mind your own business. Astagfirullah. Astagfirullah. Astagfirullah. O Muslim, Allah Azza Wa Jall raised your nation! Has given you victory upon victory, are you then going to disobey and become among the insignificant people to Allah Azza Wa Jall?! Let me narrate to you a story that happened during the era of the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum. Maybe this will make you ponder more. _____ During the campaign of the Muslims against the Byzantines, and the Muslims were given victory, Abu Ad Darda Radiyallahu Anhu saw the prisoners and he wept. Yes, you heard me right, he wept on seeing the condition of these people and said: How insignificant are the people to Allah if they disobey Him. Look at these people: they were powerful and prevailed over their enemies, but when they ignored the commands of Allah Azza Wa Jall they ended up as you see! In another narration, Jubair Ibn Nufair Radiyallahu Anhu said to him: Why are you weeping when Allah has caused Islam and its people to prevail? Abu Ad Darda said: ”Woe to you, this was a powerful nation that prevailed, but when they neglected the commands of Allah, they ended up as you see. Allah has punished them by making them prisoners. And when a people end up prisoners, Allah has no need of them. He said: How insignificant are the people of Allah if they disobey Him.” _____ One may ask why do I talk about this story? Are we not in same situation now? That we hurt people and make tears come from their eyes because they are hurt for the situation we are in? That when they offered a helping hand we chose to turn our backs on them? Will not that make them feel worst that what Abu Darda Radiyallahu Anhu had felt for those prisoners? This story my brothers and sisters in Islam should be pondered upon very hard. Indeed, this is an example of Allah’s Azza Wa Jall Power and Might. No matter how much status you get in this world, you can never reach the mountains in height nor can you tear the earth apart, remember that ayah? Now, indeed, Allah Azza Wa Jall has raised our nation and made us the best of people, but my brothers and sisters in Islam, look at yourself, let us reflect from all our deeds, are we winning in this state? Are we giving justice to the honor Allah Azza Wa Jall has given us? Realize that this story makes you see how the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum felt sorry for those whom Allah Azza Wa Jall had caused to be blind, that they didn’t follow the call of truth and for that they fell from power and were humiliated because they were too arrogant to submit to the truth! Authubillah! Are we not making same mistake? Are we not arrogant enough that when we are being called to the truth to the deen of Allah, we say mind your own business that we are too arrogant to adhere to the commandments of Allah Azza Wa Jall!? TAKE HEED, O MUSLIMS! If the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum felt sorry for the nonbelievers then how would they feel for us who call themselves as Muslims? Ya Ukhti, ya Akhi, please do not imprison yourself on this dunya! This dunya will never be ours, so do not chase something that you know will never be yours rather strive for something that Allah Azza Wa Jall promises you to have only if you adhere to His commandments! Do not let your desires defeat your iman, rise O Muslim, rise and defend your deen through your obedience to Allah Azza Wa Jall! This is a battle that you are constantly going through everyday! So rise and free yourself from this! ______ And we pray that Allah Azza Wa Jall helps us on realizing our worth and that we may find guidance within the words of Allah Azza Wa Jall that we may adhere to His commandments in full obedience. Amin. _____ Story was taken from • At Tareekh Al Islami, 12/396 • Al Bidayah wa’n Nihayah, 7/159 • At Tareekh Al Islami, 12/397
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 09:20:55 +0000

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