Sledgehammer Action Alert American Policy Center From Tom - TopicsExpress


Sledgehammer Action Alert American Policy Center From Tom DeWeese Stop Article V Convention in Arizona To all APC supporters in Arizona: Tomorrow is the last day of this legislative session. One courageous Arizona State Senator is standing in opposition of a bill (SCR-1016) for a state call for an Article V Convention of the States. Arizona Senate President Andy Biggs is taking tremendous heat from the media and special interest groups who are pushing the Resolution. This resolution calls upon the U.S. Congress to convene an Article V Convention. The last time we had such a convention was 1787 and resulted in a new Constitution. While the proponents of such a convention believe that we can restrict the delegates to a single topic such as a balanced budget amendment, the reality is that there is absolutely no guarantee that would be possible. Especially when the Progressives get involved in the Convention, backed by their powerful forces. That’s why I and the American Policy Center are absolutely opposed to an Article V Convention of the States. Proponents of Article V insist that it is the only thing that will reduce the size and power of government – because government is ignoring the Constitution. Here is the real question for Article V advocates: If government today refuses to follow the Constitution, what will change once it is amended with Articles of Freedom? What motivation will suddenly drive the Obamas and Pelosis to say “now that there has been an Article V convention and the Constitution has been amended that it is suddenly the law of the land and we must follow it?” Especially when they oppose those freedom amendments for the same reasons they today ignore the entire Constitution. They do not believe in balanced budgets, gun rights, and control of our borders. The fact is, if we don’t change the atmosphere and mind set in the nation to one that supports the ideas behind our Constitution (free markets, individual liberty, limited government, and private property rights), then all the amendments in the world aren’t going to change the drive toward more and more government. The problem is not the Constitution – it is the elected officials who are ignoring it. Second. As I listen to Article V proponents make their arguments about how they’re going to bring about change – bringing all of the states together, hold a convention and pass their amendments, they seem to ignore the very existence of the Progressive movement that today controls nearly every aspect of our governing process. What do Article V proponents think these forces are going to do while the convention process is going on? Here’s what my research has found. Progressive groups like the Open Society Institute, the Center for American Progress, and the American Constitutional Society, to name a few, all groups funded by George Soros, are behind a movement for a more “Progressive Constitution.” They are simply not going to let conservatives have the playing field to themselves. I urge every APC supporter in Arizona to contact your state Senators and tell them that you oppose an Article V Convention and you want them to vote NO on SCR 1016. Please do it now. SCR 1016 is set to come of for a vote tomorrow – Wednesday April 23rd. It is the last day of the legislative session. It’s now or never to stop this bill. Your state legislators need to hear from you. They are receiving great pressure to pass it from proponents of the Article V Convention. That Convention could be the undoing of our U.S. Constitution. Please take action now to stop it.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 15:46:21 +0000

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