Sledgehammer thugs hit mall A gang of seven to nine men wearing - TopicsExpress


Sledgehammer thugs hit mall A gang of seven to nine men wearing construction overalls and wielding rifles and sledgehammers, smashed their way into a jewellery store in the Blue Route Mall in front of stunned shoppers shortly before noon yesterday. Fearing for their lives, shoppers and staff ran or crawled to safety, some hiding inside storerooms as several of the armed men used the sledgehammers to break display cabinets at Harris & D’arcy jewellers. The suspects fled in a silver Mercedes-Benz, a white Audi A4 and silver Golf 6. Police cordoned off the scene as they combed through shattered glass in front of the ground-level store yesterday. A floor above, shoppers captured the scene on their cellphones while others looked on. Story: Natasha Bezuidenhout / Photographs: David Ritchie (Read the full story in todays Cape Argus or get the app at
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 06:05:00 +0000

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