Sleep? Really? A REAL LIFETIME TESTIMONY FILLED WITH MY HONEST THOUGHTS AND ALL I ASK FROM YOU ARE YOUR PRAYERS... Please pray for me and my family and Focus on the TRUTH WILL COME OUT!!!!!!! I cant and wont go into any details other than I believe another LIE has been told that is truly in the midst tearing my World, my family, and seeking to destroy my faith!! All I have is Jesus and as Ive said this before, Im desperate for my Jesus!!!!!! Thank you for your prayers!!! Entry #.1 I shake my head as I have discovered in the most horrific way possible that the devil is relentless... He hates me!! He does not want me happy... he is after me and my family.... He just wont stop!! With that being said, my Faith in who Jesus will never change!! If anything, once again, my faith has the opportunity to continue to grow and increase as I once again have to remain strong in The Lord no matter what! What an incredible journey this has been, and is and will be! Am I strong enough? No way! But with The Lord, I am.... With that being said, all I know is I have out my whole life around the TRUTH... Its all I have, its all I know!! Its all I will ever be!!!! I know the Truth has cost me worldly friends who would rather choose the world than choose Jesus 100%.... I understand why... The world is powerful, very influential, very strong in nature pulling and tugging one to fulfill the fleshly lusts and carnal desires of the heart! So here I am again.... At another cross roads in my life... Another opportunity to believe that no matter what the TRUTH will come out..... It almost seems that battling the belief in the Truth is a constant fight of mine that the devil wants to take from me. I know he is trying to discourage... Trying to steal my joy, my hope, my positive attitude, ect... I understand this Walk.. This journey.. This test of Faith but this time, I havent a clue what the future holds in the after math... I truly do not know what the outcome will be! Does that worry me? does that Scare me? Does that frighten me? Does that bother me? I would say it bothers me the most!! The not knowing is tough.. The uncertainty is tough... And to close this first entry.... I am reminded that God has not given me the Spirit of fear.. PERIOD!! Im not the man who was just learning how important Faith was 4 years ago...... Im not the man who had 2 choices.... Im a man who has sought after Jesus and who has surrendered to Jesus and who has come to know exactly how Great Jesus is and once a man has come to actually resize this HONOR... THIS PRIVILEGE of knowing who Jesus is other than being just a Saviour but being a TRUE FRIEND, one whom will never let you down, who will never tell you lies, who wants nothing but the best for you, who will never leave you nor forsake you, who will indeed stick by your side they thick & thin..... Well.... THATS THE PINNACLE OF LIFE!! Thats the Joy Christ gives us... That is the sufficiency of Grace Jesus talks about and how its enough to overcome anything!!!! Yes, I am a believer in Jesus Christ! like I said, Im a man of honesty... I am all about the Truth... I seek the Truth once again and will not stop until the Truth comes out!!! I must be strong... I must hold on to the 2 verses that shape my life and make who I am today, a man who loves Jesus more than anyone or anything and who has to trust in Jesus more now than ever!!!! So Im called to Trust in The Lord, with all my heart!! OKAY JESUS I DO!! Lean not unto my own understanding!!, OKAY JESUS, with your help and my faith in who you are, you will help me to rely in your Words and to once again believe that your Will for my life, and those close to me will be done!! I am asked to Acknowledge God in all my Ways, well easier said than done sometimes but Im willing to do this and hoping I do indeed can always do this!!! The Bible tells me that God will direct my Paths.... The Bible tells me that the Holy Spirit will always lead me, guide me, direct me unto, into, straight to, the TRUTH!!!!!! My path in Christ is one of Honest and to honesty... Its of Jesus and to Jesus. its all about Jesus and to Jesus... Whom is the TRUTH I speak about!! God bless..... Tears fall.... Hands shake... Mind is racing... Heart is broken.... But thats ok.... I have a friend named Jesus who holds me tight!! Until next time..... Let my honesty... Let the words I know I was led to write help you, bless you, build your faith up, encourage you to always Trust in the Truth... Its all we have!!!! Trust in Jesus!!!! Much love.... Please, please, if I ever asked anyone to do something for me, I need your Prayers..... No details can be given other than please pray for the TRUTH to come out! Thank you humbly......
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 09:40:38 +0000

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