Sleep wrong ?? Queries which could be the cause A team of - TopicsExpress


Sleep wrong ?? Queries which could be the cause A team of Harvard Medical School conducted an experiment in which twelve people spent two weeks in a sleep lab. There, each member read a book and an iPad for four hours before going to bed five consecutive nights. The devices were configured so that their screens to issue the maximum brightness, and bedtime was established arbitrarily at ten in the evening. Participants who read the iPad took an average of ten minutes to fall asleep, and sleep monitors revealed that spent less time in the so-called REM sleep. Blood tests indicate a reduction in the production of melatonin, delaying the circadian rhythm to an hour. Those who used the tablet to read also reported feeling more awake when at rest, but needed additional time to fully wake up the next morning. While the study focused on iPads, the effect also extends to other tablets, like the Nook Color and Kindle Fire readers, smartphones and laptops. The problem is none other than the light emitted by the screens, especially the blue (450 nm). Professor Charles Czeisler, one of the investigators, explains that this short-wavelength light is reflected directly on the users eyes while in a physical book, only the light on the pages shown. The only devices that seem to escape this dilemma are those with displays based on electronic paper, as the original Kindle.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 22:13:02 +0000

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