Sleeper cells are not like cicadas. They do not simply slip into - TopicsExpress


Sleeper cells are not like cicadas. They do not simply slip into our country and then burrow into a hole for months or years awaiting instructions to emerge to carry out a terrorist attack. Sleepers are, in fact, aliens who, upon entering our country, manage to hide in plain sight by finding a job, attending a school, or managing to hide in plain sight by doing things that do not call attention to them. Someone once said that an effective spy is someone who could not attract the attention of a waitress at a greasy spoon diner, and the same could be said of an effective terrorist. It is, therefore, vital that we regain control of our borders and the entire immigration bureaucracy and enforcement program if we are to protect our nation against terrorists and criminals, and this requires that we have an adequate number of law enforcement agents dedicated to this critical mission. frontpagemag/2015/michael-cutler/sleeper-cells-the-immigration-component-of-the-threat/ Sleeper Cells: The Immigration Component of the Threat | FrontPage Magazine frontpagemag In the wake of the terror attacks in Paris, France terror raids were carried out in Belgium and Gree... View Post on Facebook · Edit Email Settings · Reply to this email to add a comment.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 06:30:11 +0000

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