Sleepless in Shanghai It was such a beautiful day yesterday my - TopicsExpress


Sleepless in Shanghai It was such a beautiful day yesterday my friend Amy and I walked to another hotel complex about 20 minutes away for lunch and to a Christmas bazaar. Like any big city there are always people begging in the street. There are so many people sitting on the sidewalk with missing limbs begging for money its sad. Yesterday at a very narrow place on the sidewalk was an old man with a huge wound on his lower leg. It was healed but you could still see exposed bone. I looked at Amy and she said was that his bone?! and I thought it couldnt possibly be that. I usually give coins equivalent to $1 but I didnt have anymore and I didnt have any small bills, the ATM gives 100 RMB bills ($16) so as I bent down to give him the 100 bill I was able to get a closer look and sure enough there was about a 3 section of exposed bone. I was so shocked! I looked at this poor man and bless his heart he started to kiss my hand. I couldve cried right there. Instead we waited until we were a few steps away and then we both started to cry. I had goose bumps over my entire body. We continued walking but neither of us spoke except ask if the other was ok. We reached our destination, had lunch, shopped a little and had some pie, deep dish apple for Amy and rice pudding pie for me (pie makes everything better right) but for both of us we couldnt quite shake the feeling of sadness and helplessness about this little man. Re-telling the story to Mark and even writing it now brings me to tears. I wish we could save them all but there are so many. Please friends, keep these people in your prayers because they surely need it
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 02:13:55 +0000

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