Slight Change to the fight Sean Carnahan. What do you - TopicsExpress


Slight Change to the fight Sean Carnahan. What do you think? “Do you know what the best part about this is,” Corin growled. “The reason why we feed on you and torment you?” He let his words linger for a moment smiling devilishly, “because it’s fun.” He finished holding his arms wide. Cole took the opportunity and punched Corin in the face. Although his expression didn’t change, his nose turned awkwardly to the side. ‘Maybe there’s a chance.’ Cole thought but, to his dismay, it returned and reshaped itself almost instantly. He kept swinging wildly. “Where were we?” the creature asked making no attempt to block Cole’s desperate attacks. Instead, his right hand shot forward inhumanly fast grasping Cole’s neck. He didn’t bother to stop the other few hits that connected with his face before squeezing gently in comparison to his abilities. “You humans are so fragile.” He mused pulling Cole from his feet and slamming him hard into the ground. Cole didn’t stand a chance against the creature. He gasped for air still he balled his fist and swung hard at the inhuman face over and over with little damage evident as he withdrew. An unforgiving feeling of insignificance burred into him when Corin simply remained on top of him staring down hinting that he was savoring the moment of his kill. “You cannot hope to win boy. I am as a god both eternal and invincible, many have tried to slay me and many have died in their feeble attempts.” He gloated leaning back in preparation to lunge into Cole’s throat. He would devour this one; body, spirit and soul. Cole shut his eyes knowing that his demise was imminent. He could feel his wind pipe straining under Corin’s inhuman strength and he knew he couldn’t keep himself conscious much longer. He strained to turn his head and see Laila still on the ground some distance away unmoving. Corin allowed Cole the freedom to turn his head. He could have just as easily torn it from his neck and tossed it aside but, it was so much more fun this way. “Just think, she’s next and I wont be so easy with her.” He promised squeezing a little more tightly. Cole couldn’t stop his eyes from closing. He knew it wouldn’t be much longer before he knew nothing at all but, an odd sound stood out from his own gasps and Corin’s growls. *Schink, Cole heard a quick wisp then a wet cutting sound. Corin’s grip loosened and Cole was able to gasp for some much needed air. Something had spattered onto his face and he opened his blurry eyes. A gleaming silver shaft that came to a point was protruding from the right side of Corin’s chest. Corin had felt this pain once before, many years ago. Around the silver shaft, burned like acid into his skin and he wailed painfully before jumping away from Cole who remained very still on the pavement. He looked around for the arrow’s source remaining motionless, listening to the darkness. *Schink, Corin jumped high in the air hoping to dodge the next incoming missile. Instead of hitting him in the chest, it made its mark through his left thigh. He shrieked landing hard on the ground as his leg gave out from under him. He howled defiantly. “Come out you coward!” He screamed trying desperately to pull the arrow from his leg. It wouldn’t budge. Hearing Corin’s wails, Cole managed to turn himself over. Every inch of his body ached and the pain alone threatened to draw him into unconsciousness but a sight he didn’t expect to see strengthened his resolve. Corin was on his knees gasping frantically and a silhouette silently moved from the trees to stand before the injured monster carrying what appeared to be a huge cross. ‘Not a cross.’ He thought noting the arched point. A crossbow. . Although he was more than grateful for the interruption, he didn’t allow his attention to linger as he struggled to crawl to where Laila lay motionless. He feared the worst when he came upon her in a heap upon the ground but, he could see that she was breathing shallowly. “Thank you God.” Cole whispered as he shook Laila gently hoping to coerce her from unconsciousness. He heard a familiar voice mock the creature. “Do you know why I do this?” it said casually. “Get away from me priest. I’ll tear the skin from your bones. I’ll rip your soul apart. I’ll….” Corin growled menacingly before the sound of another bolt twanged off and he screamed loudly. “Because I too, enjoy it.” The man referred to as ‘priest’ finished letting loose another bolt into the prone creature. Cole could make out the distinctive bolts, almost seeming to glow white protruding from Corin in multiple places. The creature no longer moved, just lay sprawled on the ground with one leg bent sharply to the side. They were safe for now. He returned his attention to Laila whose eyes eased open.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 22:41:30 +0000

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