Slither - With the now red-hot anticipation for Guardians of the - TopicsExpress


Slither - With the now red-hot anticipation for Guardians of the Galaxy, I thought itd be time to look back at my favorite film by James Gunn. Working mainly in writing and sometimes directing, hes become very well known thanks to his credits including the remake of Dawn of the Dead, Super and even that crappy Scooby-Doo movie. Slither is probably what hes best known for and from the looks of this, we can expect great things in August. For now though, this is Slither. In the small town of Wheelsy, a meteorite crashes on the outskirts and out comes these little slug-like creatures capable of infecting individuals into a sort of zombified state. Slowly the town starts to get taken over or die off from the invaders and the local Sheriff needs to thwart them before the whole planet ends up a nasty, bloody mess. This story plays out almost exactly like an old-school 50s B-movie but as the most loving tribute possible. It contains all the conventions of a movie from that era right down to the goofy southern accents a lot of the characters have. Casting in this movie has some big players. First you got Nathan Fillion in the lead role. Hes likable, cool and his acting is of the utmost charm as always. Then theres Elizabeth Banks as the love interest, who is quite beautiful and isnt just the damsel in distress (most of the time). Lastly, there is Michael Rooker as the central villain. He does a great job here and has some very funny moments that contrast with his famous voice. On the subject of writing, its fantastic! It seems like almost every character gets a moment to utter something thats chuckle-inducing and sometimes memorable. References are also made to a bunch of other famous sci-fi films like The Blob, Night of the Comet, Tremors and more. If youre an advent viewer of sci-fi and can spot them, youre guaranteed to be cracking up laughing. You also get a healthy dose of gory special effects here. The CG work is respectable and the prosthetic make-up and practical effects are very well done. They dont hold back in the disgusting details so be prepared for some BLOOD. The effects overall are just as enjoyable as any other zombie movie. The one complaint I could offer is that if youre expecting straight horror thrills, you may be a bit disappointed. Slither, like Tremors before it, plays up more for laughs among its sick scenes of intestines-spewing and suspense. That however does NOT detract from this very excellently made film. Slither is a funny and entertaining film to gather up a posse to watch. The cast and writing are hilarious, the special effects are messy and the story pays great tribute to the classics. Any people planning on seeing Guardians of the Galaxy should take a gander at this just to get a feel for Gunns style as a director. Horror fans, you know this movies awesome. Slither has my Movie Man Recommendation.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 18:50:14 +0000

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