Slow down I have always known that if you arent growing you are - TopicsExpress


Slow down I have always known that if you arent growing you are decaying. That is an expression I learned along the way on my journey and one you may have also learned and think about often. The thing that I am learning right now is to slow down. With a name like Zapp, I have to admit, it has been engrained in my identity, to move fast and get things done. At 40 years of age, I hope to be better than ever. I really have been focusing on learning and being better than I ever have before in every aspect of my life, starting with the love I have for myself. This is a difficult one for me. I dont know if you struggle with this one as much as I do but ultimately I have a hard time forgiving in general and forgiving myself may be the hardest struggle I possess. The past month or so I decided to really dig back into growing again. I think it helps you forgive yourself by focusing on what you dont know. I had an amazing trip to Kauai at the beginning of the year. One that put me in the company of people I would have most likely never put myself in the company of. I met some wonderful people in Kauai and had an opportunity to simply let go of a lot of things that have held me back. Open my eyes, mind, body and spirit to somethings that many may find uncomfortable and what I am pulling away from the experience even ten days later is still teaching me. I had to let go of my EGO and let go of my life for a minute and it has brought me to a place of peace and awareness that I have truly never felt before. For me to write what I just wrote should be proof to many of you who know me best that something has changed, something has shifted for me. I have been grounding myself daily. And what I mean by that is I have been what they call Earthing everyday. If you are interested in the concept, look it up. It is profound and as wacky as earthing might seem to you, I assure you without a shadow of a doubt it will help heal your body, mind, spirit and soul. I wouldnt have believed it if in fact I didnt open my mind and listen. I tend to over talk and over write. I have a true passion for helping others and helping myself. By helping and teaching others I ultimately am helping and teaching myself. I always love sharing concepts and paradigms and anything that I learn with others. It is a passion of mine. From fitness, to nutrition, to spirituality, to business and networking tips and everything and anything I can wrap my brain around. One if my favorite expressions is, to teach is to learn. I love it and I know from experience it is the truth! I pray for you and the world we love in today. It is confused, it is a mess and I dont believe it will get better until it gets worse. Unfortunately I believe that in order for things to change they need to completely fall apart. I wish this wasnt true but I believe it is somewhat of a law. I would feel like I am hiding something if I didnt credit and edify those in my life who have truly shown me how much they care about me! Houston Waldie and Kayla Waldie, I appreciate and love you both for taking care of my Joee when I needed to get away and helping me the way that you have. I am forever grateful for you. Gabriel Legacy, you are a real Arch Angel my friend. No words can express how grateful I am for you and your perseverance. I am overcome with true gratefulness and appreciation and I like me again because of it! Praise God! My daily mantra, thanks to Joanna Thank you I love you Im sorry Please forgive me I find myself echoing these words over and over to myself. I never truly understand mantras or auto suggestion before now. I am beginning to slow down and I think its a good thing. If I died today, I lived a full life! This song below is the most beautiful song I have ever heard and I listen to it whenever I want to connect to what matters most in my life!!!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 07:21:21 +0000

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