****Smackdown Results**** September 26, 2014 Complete WWE - TopicsExpress


****Smackdown Results**** September 26, 2014 Complete WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results for September 26, 2014 (Spoilers) by widro on September 23, 2014 Dark Matches 1. Tyler Breeze defeated a “local” jobber. Breeze won with the Beauty Shot in a match held prior to the Main Event show. 2. Adrian Neville defeated Sami Zayn. I got a small Ole chant going but it seems like not very many Arkansans know who Sami Zayn is. A really solid match. I love Zayn personally so it was a bummer to see him lose, but it was to be expected. Neville won with the Red Arrow which got a great reaction from the kids. WWE Smackdown TV Taping The Miz came out to start the show and tripped over the first ring step like a dork. Miz called out Dean Ambrose over what happened on Miz TV on WWE Main Event. Ambrose cames out to accept the challenge wearing his karate action jeans. Ambrose was really over with this crowd and Miz had a ton of heat. 1. Dean Ambrose defeated The Miz. There were some good spots throughout including Damien Mizdow teasing involvement multiple times. At one point, Damien starting shadowing Miz’s holds at ringside, which was great. There was a really good tornado DDT spot by Ambrose late in the match. Ambrose won via the Dirty Deeds headlock driver in a pretty decent opening match, but not before Seth Rollins and Kane came out to distract him a bit. After the match, Kane and Rollins attacked Ambrose. Ambrose stole the Money in the Bank briefcase. His escape into the crowd brought him right by me and my buddy. I am the nerd in the Groot t-shirt. 2. Cesaro won a Battle Royal to become No. 1 contender to the Intercontinental Title. Big E, Kofi, and Xavier Woods were all wearing similar color schemes on their tights and acting like a team. Los Matadores, Justin Gabriel, Mizdow, Heath Slater Gator, Bo Dallas, Zack Ryder, Cesaro, and Jack Swagger were the other entrants. There was a really nasty elimination of Big E by Cesaro. He gorilla pressed him over the top rope. There was also a good square off spot where Kofi, Swagger, Ceasro, and Bo all ganged up on Mizdow. The final three were Kofi, Swagger, and Swagger with Cesaro winning by gorilla press tossing Kofi into Swagger and knocking them both over the top rope in a really impressive spot… There was a backstage segment with Renee Young interviewing The Usos about their tag title match with Goldust and Stardust. The Usos said they have a checklist with only one item missing and that is the tag team titles, but that check is coming soon… 3. The Uso Brothers defeated Goldust and Stardust by DQ. The Usos were out first to a decent reaction, but I was live for Night of Champions and Raw where they were more over. The double dive got everyone fired up and always looks good. Good heel tactics by HeelDust early on, but nothing out of the ordinary for them. Great comeback rally for the Usos after a long stretch of offense by HeelDust. Goldust went for his front flip from the apron and was caught by the Usos for a nice spot. A little bit later the Usos hit a really nasty Doomsday Device on Stardust followed by the splash but the pin was broken up by Goldust with a title shot to the covering Uso for some great heat to end the match… In a backstage segment, Seth Rollins complained to Kane about Ambrose taking the MITB briefcase. Rollins said that if Ambrose doesn’t return the briefcase in its exact condition then the cinderblock spot will look like child’s play… 4. Dolph Ziggler beat Cesaro to retain the Intercontinental Title. We didn’t get the advertised injury update, but we got Cesaro entering for the IC title match he won earlier in the taping. Ziggler got a great pop. Cesaro used the ropes during an abdominal stretch spot which garnered almost zero heat. This crowd is either dead or terrible. Cesaro did his spot where he uses the middle rope as a trapeze into an elbow drop which was cool. Cesaro countered a Fameasser attempt into a powerbomb attempt only to have Ziggler sunset flip him for the win which was really weak. I like Ziggler a lot, but that was weaksauce… Backstage, Lana and Rusev were interviewed. Lana said anything in Rusev’s way he crushes… 6. Big Show defeated Rusev by DQ. Rusev and Lana out next for the main event followed by Big Show with the pop of the night. He is always really over in Little Rock. Big Show controlled the action early and really manhandled Rusev for a huge chunk of the match. I think I was the only Rusev fan in the building. Rusev finally hit a chop block and went on the offensive with lots of leg based attacks. Big Show hit a sidewalk slam to balance things out and set up for the KO punch. Rusev ducked and hit the jump kick. Big Show hit a chokeslam out of nowhere and set up for the KO punch again but Lana grabbed his leg and was dragged into the ring. Rusev grabbed the Russian flag and hit Big Show for the DQ finish. Big Show caught a kick after the match and finally did connect with the KO punch to end the taping with Rusev flat out… -Faatz
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 20:26:59 +0000

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