Smart Angels and Dreaming Babies Prophetic word for November - TopicsExpress


Smart Angels and Dreaming Babies Prophetic word for November Last month I prophesied that October would come in with some rough waters but will go out much smoother. It happened and November is going to be a much smoother ride! Even with an easier ride, there is such an acceleration happening right now! Don’t let the enemy distract you with busyness. It really is time to slow down and catch this next wave of the Holy Spirit that’s coming. Slowing down right now will allow you to accelerate into your next season. November 20 I keep hearing God saying something significant will begin to happen on November 20 (11/20). Expect to see a greater release of God’s power, presence, revelation, and healing. “But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” Luke 11:20 (NIV) Turn around started October 31 God spoke to me that October 31st was a day of turn around. I had a spiritual experience where God spoke the word “breakthrough!!!” On that day I was battling in prayer when I clearly heard that breakthrough for many people is so close, it’s as thin as a membrane. There are times when what separates the spiritual realm from the natural realm is so minimal that discerning what is real-life and spiritual-life can be challenging. What you might perceive as an unsettling in your soul or even a sense of discontent may very well be the Holy Spirit guiding you through your situation right now. Breakthrough and a turn around are happening right now. Sometimes breakthrough happens instantly and other times it might not manifest right away in the natural. It can unfold slowly so we need to trust God through it all. Offense versus defense Another part of the turn around happening right now is balancing how you focus on God and your current situation. There is a time when it is necessary to discern the plans of the enemy, and cut off things that may be hindering you. For example, if you are being held back or you are seeing a repeated pattern of loss, failure, or attacks, then YES—discern the attack, pray, cut things off and move on. But this has to be balanced with taking action and being on the offense. The Kingdom of God is all about advancing. We need to move from focusing on what Satan is doing and look for what God is doing in any given situation. This is a new time to take an offensive place in prayer by turning around to see what God’s plans are and then from that new position, you can take action to move forward. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) New Smart Angels Since September there has been a release of new angels and angelic assignments to help you get into your destiny! I know angels more by function, i.e. what they do, rather than by name. There are angels of healing, breakthrough, love, revelation, etc. But I recently encountered a new type of angel: a Smart Angel. Not smart in the sense of intelligence, but rather similar to a Smart Phone which has multi-functional capability. These Smart Angels have many things you need combined into one. God is assigning Smart Angels right now to people everywhere to help you accomplish more and to help you be more effective in the spiritual realm. Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? Hebrews 1:14 (NIV) Shaking in the marketplace I have had several dreams over the past month that the lights keep going out in meetings, churches, and businesses. When they come back on, there are new strategies and marketing ideas that were released from Heaven but people were not receiving or catching on to them. There is a shaking happening that will turn on the Light of Heaven. As God releases revelation there will be some unusual opportunities to make money for the Kingdom of God as a means of repayment for those who suffered losses in the 2008 downturn. Listen to God and respond! Baby dreamers in the womb God showed me that babies in the wombs of their mothers right now are a new breed of prophetic dreamers. If you are pregnant and having unusual dreams, don’t be surprised. You are carrying a dreaming baby. In Genesis 30 and 31 Jacob received revelation through a dream on how to profit even while his father-in-law Laban was cheating him. This was at the very time that Jacob’s wife Rachel was carrying Joseph, the dreamer who would later go on to save the world through the accurate interpretations of Pharaoh’s dreams. It was the very presence of the baby Joseph that brought new revelation to the family. Watch for the anointing of your children (born or unborn) to begin to manifest in your life now. This year is winding down and as we slow down we will get into sync with God that will allow us to accelerate into a new atmosphere of His unlimited love and power. Blessings, Doug Addison dougaddison
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 04:06:41 +0000

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