Smart Companies Produce Smart People When a person has made - TopicsExpress


Smart Companies Produce Smart People When a person has made paradigm shift from the head mind into the Heart Mind meditatively , he or she traverses from self into Non-self; from intellect into insight; from head mind into Heart Mind; from duality into Non-duality; from the many into the One. This is what I mean by mental correction. This is what I mean by self-redemption. This is what I mean by spiritual evolution. Non-self is the primordial True Self of humanity. In the True Self of humanity, a person and the Truth become one. In fact, primordially, humanity and Truth are inseparable. Ignorance separates them. Mindfulness meditation reconnects them. When humanity and Truth are reconnected inherently, human miracles emerge through brainy minds of avant gardes. The avant-gardes are Truth-given potential by which every human being is innately born of. The Truth becomes the driver of human life. This is the state of human liberation or freedom found in every world religion with many different labels. Paradoxically, labels, which are conceptual and illsuive, are not important in knowing, seeing and becoming the Truth. In fact, every label obstructs gnosis. Paradoxically, using labels or concepts , intelligence becomes non-intelligence; brainy becomes non-brainy; light becomes darkness. Understanding this labelless or non-conceptual intuition or insight, a person becomes a superior human being. Resurrection of human innate supremacy is communal purpose of human life. Resurrection is the restoration of innate human perfection. This is the best of the bests of educational training that non-sectarian religious education can offer. The esoteric dimension of every world religion is non-sectarian religious education that is seriously missed by modern education system. In ancient times in imperial China, India and the Middle East, esoteric educational training of right brain function was primary and foremost and academic educational training of the left brain function was secondary and came next in the order of priority. The ancient civilizations produced many sages and saints. Today, it is relatively difficult to find and encounter sages and saints around us in modern civilizations. Of course, we have sages and saints among us today. But most of them hide themselves to avoid social persecutions. Traditionally, after the second world war, the Japanese business corporations were very wise to send their newly appointed executives to the Buddhist temples to be trained meditatively in Zen by Zen masters before the new executives assumed leadership positions in their corporations. Today, the high performing cyber technological companies in Silicon Valley of United States organize in-house training in mindfulness meditation for their brainy elites . They even set up meditation rooms for their brainy staff to meditate within their premises of their business companies. Smart leadership breed smart companies. Zen Master Thick Nhat Hanh is one of their non-sectarian mindfulness meditation gurus that guide and train the Westerners non-sectarinaly without offending any religion. The West treasures Zen Master Thick and Zen masters like precious jewels, the rare oases in the spiritual desert of human modern society. There are no Christian conversion into Buddhists through non-sectarian meditation . Mindfulness meditation is non-sectarian and non-denominational religionless mental training in mental correction for spiritual revolution. Spirituality caters to the universal and primordial need of the perfection of every human being. The esoteric dimension of very world religion such as Zen or Tasawwuf is spiritual evolution in humankind. A human being must be perfect before the defectless cyber novel products can roll out from their high technology companies. The marriage between human consciousness and science is neuro-science or neuro-spirituality in science. Do not be alarmed by the phrase spiritual evolution. It means human salvation from stupidity or ignorance. It is redemption of human innate supremacy in wisdom and love. Every human being is originally perfect when the head mind and Heart Mind are met and kissed. Mindfulness meditation performs this secular-spiritual marriage for us. The high technology companies in the Silicon Valley in California have many brainy knowledge workers who are avant gardes. The avant gardes are the rare brainy species among the human species of 21st century. They are in-born avant gardes . They are trained to be avant gardes through good educational training at home, in schools and in universities since childhood. Mindfulness meditation will perfect what are still not perfected in them by reconnecting them to the Truth of perfection. Can you see how important is the esoteric training of mindfulness meditation that unites the left brain function with right brain function?
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 21:24:15 +0000

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