Smart phones dumb people We see these captions more and more, - TopicsExpress


Smart phones dumb people We see these captions more and more, whether it is on Facebook or one of these gags websites, with a picture of some random person that probably doesn’t know that he is being ridiculed in a social media that the whole word has access to, and the funny thing about it is that we all agree with it and laugh about it because we feel that it is such an absurdly obvious fact. What if it were your picture on it? It, surely, wouldn’t be the same feeling, we would take it very personally and feel offended. It, however, won’t stop us from buying the new Samsung galaxy, or the IPhone 4, 5, 50 which makes it possible for people to dial number using their minds or having telepathic conversation with their Cambodian friends living Costa Rica. The message is quite clear, they are calling you dumb, not just the person on the photo or that friend we know that spends their day chatting, not even the neighbour who changes phones more than they shower every month, it is you they speak of. In history books they call us generation X, Z, which is very technology savvy, yes, it is through that we know our way through google like the end of our pocket. Technology is making things easier for us, maybe a bit too easy, everything that should be stuck in our memory is kept on phones, computers, drives. A good memory is what makes a person smart. Once you were told about the significance of an important day in history, or the seven wonders of the world, you will only have an idea of it when another person mentions it, for the person to be certain that you do know, you actually have to be able to talk about it, without first going through google using your new cool phone. It is cheating your way to knowledge. It is called the information era, where you can get access to information even in your sleep , all you have to do is touch a random button on your phone mistakenly taking you to a page in google. We are the era of new technology, not great philosophers, or historians, not even great literature, or art, because I can Photoshop my picture and turn it into a 18th century painting. Can you take your phone and ask it very kindly, who are your greatest artists, what movement they are currently following in literature, who the philosophers are, what other ways of living they have thought about, what are their thoughts on spirituality, or the essays they have published on the new political regimes. How is the new knowledge discovered by our scientists of today changing our history books? Are we going to continue with the mathematics that has been in our books for decades, are you sure there hasn’t been any mistake on old formulas that have been corrected. “Give the people bread and circuses”. Does this quote ring a bell? This is what our dear Wikipedia says: it “identifies the only remaining cares of a new Roman populace which cares not for its historical birth right of political involvement”. It is a quote from the satires of the Roman Poet Juvenal written in the late 1st and early 2nd centuries AD. Is this what is happening, they are giving us bread and circus, while we sit and watch 1% of the population become billionaires, and wait for the government to make decision for us, we don’t agree with everything that happens around us, but how can you have a say if you don’t know what is going on, what can you possibly do anything about it if you spend more time looking for irrelevant information. The insanity of all this, is that the circus is not just the new smart phones that have the exact same features as the last versions, but also includes your media filled with modified news, futile wars that never end, sports events in the middle of the year, time that most decisions take place (google all the political events and you’ll see that they mostly happened between April and December), mediocre music. We are surrounded with distractions, is it a consequence of modern changes or just another classic political scheme? Now that ideologies are a thing of the past, what do we believe in? Democracy? We hear of this individualism, as if communities are made of a single person and yet we are not a happy society. Does that not have any impact on us at all? Is this the new social contract? History does not repeat itself, there are known theories that have been used for centuries and have had successful results because the human being’s brain functions the same way, if it worked in the 2nd century it will work today, because a new baby isn’t born with a more advanced brain, hence the new generation aren’t better off, or it would be a new specie, like the ones they show so often in the movies. The only way to avoid it is to keep yourself aware and conscious of your society.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 10:33:49 +0000

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