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Smart Naco有限公司是本地一间以保健和信誉超群著称的多层次传销公司。通过传销商和存货商将一系列独特的功能性保健养生产品推广出去,传达正面讯息,激励人心,与大家分享健康的喜悦,幸福的声音。 2002年初创办,拿可也只是初出茅庐。不过,秉持着培育和支持新进企业家,与他们密切合作,共创双赢的原则,目前拿可经已脱颖而出,一跃成为佼佼者,稳占多层次传销领域一席之地。 拿可的经营理念很简单,那就是为传销商缔造更多良机和无限的支持。同时,拿可同仁坚信,凭着一系列价格公道、品质上乘的多元化优质产品、独特的市场计划和一视同仁的平等机会,伙伴们可以在这里开创他们的拿可事业,启动健康丰盛人生,在传销界打造亮丽的新天地! 迄今拿可已经从当初的小规模公司发展为一间跨国企业机构,而且也分别在新加坡、印尼和汶莱增设分公司。展望未来,在接下来的日子,拿可有限公司坚信多层次传销事业前景一片光明,也自信能在此领域扮演着举足轻重的角色,胆大心细地放眼全球,勇猛变革,积极打开新格局,再创新高峰。美妙的旅程从拿可开始! Smart Naco Sdn Bhd is a leading network marketing company based in Kuala Lumpur. The company distributes a range of unique and functional health products through its extensive network of stockists and independent distributors. Established in early 2002, Smart Naco represented a young upstart among very established players in a highly competitive environment. However, by holding true to our guiding principles of working together with new entrepreneurs, nurturing and supporting them, the company has grown by leaps and bounds to become a trusted and well-known network marketing company in the region. At Smart Naco, we are committed to our philosophy of providing the best opportunities and support to our distributors. We believe we have achieved this through a combination of offering top quality products at affordable prices coupled with an excellent marketing plan which provides equal opportunity for all. From just a small office at our inception, the company has now established thriving offices in Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei and will continue to grow aggressively in the years to come. Network marketing has a very bright future and the company is poised to take a leading role
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 15:31:18 +0000

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