Smoke filled the hallways as I soaked up a hundred strands of - TopicsExpress


Smoke filled the hallways as I soaked up a hundred strands of cotton and slathered it on the floor. I ash my cigar as I walk into the janitors closet. I slam the door behind me and glance at the glass on the door from inside that reads erianidroartxE noitatinaS :speewS yevraH. A sharp puff of air and smoke shoots from my mouth. If only they knew what it took to get that title, and if only they knew how much I hated it. I grab my hat and coat from the rack in the corner, when the bossman walks in. He takes a look at my cigar and smells the air. They say those thingsll kill ya, you know. Good. Then maybe I wont have to live with this weight on my shoulders. What brings you here, Sudford? I ask him as I thrust the end of my cigar into a glass plate on my desk. I have a work order for you, Sweeps. My our eyes locked and a slight tension filled the room. At least thats how he made it seem as I approached him slowly. I aint doin no more work orders. Im through with them. The motion to walk out the door was intercepted by his movement. Didnt you hear me? I said Im through! Im livin the easy life. Mopping. Sweeping. The good ol honest days. He looked me straight in the eye. Im asking you to do this as a favor for me. He might have been my boss, but we both know who actually ran the joint. Its a simple order. Open and close case. And if this goes well, there may be some early retirement in your future. That phrase always stops me right in my tracks. A way to get out of this life and away from the guilt? I aint no mickey to them pretty words, I tells him, I need that in writing. Sudford gazed at my wall filled with picture frames and commendations. I see a lot of good work up here, he started listing them off to me as if I aint never seen them, A picture with the mayor for shampooing his carpets, letters of appreciation from the president himself... Will you get on with what your sayin? The wifes got dinner waiting for me. He paced around me like a shark lookin at a fish. But there is one missing. One very important piece of Harvey Sweeps history. The work order that got you the promotion. I approached him assertively I thought I told you never to bring that up. That was a dark time, and if you aint careful, your eyes will be even darker. He scoffed it off. I dont know why you would be ashamed for exposing Victor Yoom for the fraud that he was. I started getting angry as he continued, And I think he deserves to be behind bars. You got a lot of nerve bringin up Vic in my closet, Sudson. I readied my fist, but he stopped me. You wouldnt want the information I know getting to the papers, would you? I can see the headlines now: Legendary Custodian Sweeps behind bars! I had no choice but to accept. What is the work order? Just a small stain in my office, Sweeps. I need you to get it out of the carpet by the end of tomorrows shift. I nodded before he smiled that smug smile that stretched all the way across his mug. I will see you in the morning, Sweeps. He left and I could just smell the smog over the lingering cigar smoke. I pulled out a glass and a handle of whiskey from under my desk and took a swig. Ill need it to get through the night. I feel bad for what I did to Vic Yoom. I knew the courts wouldnt go easy on no oriental, but it had to be done. He aint no fraud neither since he was just startin up the gig. What does it matter anymore when the frauds and crooks are also the ones carryin the keyrings around here? I slowly marched out the door and planned for the worst tomorrow. Vic was never a bad guy and never wanted to hurt nobody. I think Ill end up wakin up early and payin a visit to a friend behind bars. [END PART 1: JANITOR NOIR]
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 03:24:55 +0000

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