Smokers of the World – Unite! Why is it we smokers feel like - TopicsExpress


Smokers of the World – Unite! Why is it we smokers feel like criminals? It’s not like smoking is illegal, as long as you are 18 and abide by the “no-smoking” ordinances that most every city now has. So, what has us so timid, so reticent, and so embarrassed about our “nasty” habit? I have finally come to the realization that it is because of all of the self-righteous prudes who have never smoked, and, worse, all of those who have quit and now see us as irresponsible fools who have no self-control. Let’s take a look at how these individuals have influenced the general disdain for anyone engaged in this legal activity. 1. If you walk outside a non-smoking restaurant to enjoy a cigarette after your meal, be assured there will be those walking by you, giving you looks of disapproval, if not absolute disgust. And woe be unto you if you have a child in tow – OMG, what a mortal sin! 2. Many airports do not allow smoking in any area. Some, however, have designated smoking areas – usually glass cages, so that parents can walk by with their children and point out the endangered species housed within them. Other airports have outside walkways where smokers can be punished by braving the elements in order to feed their habits. (Interestingly, in Europe, smoking areas at airports are nicely appointed, clean, air-controlled facilities where people enjoy their habit – it’s a social activity!) In fact, non-smoking Europeans do not engage in self-righteous judgments of those who choose to light up! 3. Even your car is no longer a safe enclave. Pulling up to a stop sign, while smoking a cigarette can be an intimidating experience, to say the least. Little old ladies and prudish middle-agers put their most disdainful faces on while looking at you. Now, I just roll down my window, take a big drag, and blow smoke at their cars, hoping the nicotine might yellow their finish a bit! I am feeling a bit like a second-class citizen already, but a trip to the doctor’s office for my annual check-up is the worst experience of all. Here, I am subjected to a lengthy lecture on the health hazards of my addiction and the pressure to get the patch or go on one of the new medications to stop. The problem is, I am inordinately healthy, have no ill effects from my smoking, and am a senior citizen. As I recently said to my doctor, “How long do you want me to live anyway? I am thinking my great grandchildren are wondering how much longer until everyone inherits!” And so I say this: smokers, this is your right! You do not have to hide, to sneak, or feel the disdain of others. Smoke proudly! Smoke publicly! And do what I now do. When I get one of those “looks” now, I simply say, “I smoke because it reduces the side effects of my leprosy.” They move on quickly!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 00:46:50 +0000

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