Smoot Fit Tip: Train AROUND injuries, not through - TopicsExpress


Smoot Fit Tip: Train AROUND injuries, not through them. Injuries are inevitable. Whether through direct trauma, overuse, improper technique, or the use of poor equipment, if you’re engaged in sports or physical activity, you’re eventually going to get injured. When this happens, it’s important to understand that the goal is to train AROUND the injury, not through it, and to find movements and exercises that you can perform PAIN FREE while simultaneously giving the injured area the time it needs to heal. Training through pain? Continuing to perform the activities that led to injury in the first place? That’s just stupid, and all you’re going to do is delay healing, compensate your way in to more problems, and probably turn a minor injury in to a major one that takes several months (instead of weeks) to heal. Look, I’ve had my fair share of injuries (I just strained my patella tendon last Friday), and I know how frustrating they can be. But it’s not the end of the world. Getting injured is a learning experience, and a chance to tackle weak points that you wouldn’t have done otherwise. And if you couple that with the rest needed for your body to completely heal and recover, you’ll probably bounce back rejuvenated and stronger than you were before.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:08:43 +0000

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