Sneak Peek 1: The winding path gave way to majestic oaks - TopicsExpress


Sneak Peek 1: The winding path gave way to majestic oaks that were adorned in lights, “To have seen what those old trees have seen” she thought as she wandered off of the path to sit beneath one of the sprawling giants. As she settled, her heart began to flutter and a “pressure” surrounded her. There was complete silence at that moment, not a cricket, not a sound. Adrian felt as though she was being watched, she looked up to see a dark figure approaching her, a man. She began to feel anxious as the park had emptied out and she was out of sight of the remaining members of her group. “This might not be good” she thought. Immediately, a strange feeling of calm came over her as if it were being forced upon her. As the man approached her, he called out, “Not a good idea for a beautiful woman to be alone in the park after dark.” The voice seemed familiar to her, as if it were someone she knew a long time ago. Cautiously, she stood to face the tall dark figure and found herself looking into the deep dark eyes that had haunted her dreams for so long. Both she and the stranger appeared to be jolted as their eyes met, after a moment of silence the stranger slowly tilted his head. “You do not fear me.” He stated, as if it surprised him that she did not cower and run away. “Should I?” she asked in the most confident voice that she could muster as he stepped closer to her. He stood quietly and in a shaken voice he whispered “I know you.” His stern jaw line softened as he stared into her eyes and an expression of overwhelming emotion overcame his face. “This cannot be, I have been searching for you” he said. Frozen in disbelief of his words, her heart was pounding, she felt as if there was no other person in the world, no sounds, no air, only she and the familiar stranger that stood before her. Scenes from the dream began to rush through her thoughts uncontrollably, numbness took her over. She silently gathered her composure and managed to utter “Who are you?” Not daring to admit that she knew him from her dreams. “You do not know me?” he asked as if making an observation more so than asking a question of her. Their eyes were locked, as if they both were intent on exploring the other to the depths of their soul. There was fierceness in his eyes, the feel of rage combined with a sense off all knowing, it was terrifying yet warm and comforting to Adrian. He drew his eyes from hers as if he were a warrior having his sword pried from his hands while in combat. As their gaze was disconnected, Adrian felt as if life itself had been drawn from her body, still numb and now weakened from the connection between she and the stranger, Adrian strained to grasp the reality of the events that had unfolded before her. The silence was broken by his voice, “I am Christian” he stated softly. His voice embraced her as if she were being immersed in warm water. “I did not mean to startle you, my intentions are noble, I assure you” he stated as he looked to the ground in a desperate and futile attempt to avoid gazing into the eyes of the woman that he had so longed for. Adrian, still struggling to compose herself, managed a nervous smile. “I appreciate your’ concern for my safety Christian, but I am quite capable of taking care of myself” she responded confidently. “Are you with the party, I don’t believe that we have met” she stated. “My name is Adrian Verrette, I am one of the Branch Managers” she declared, knowing full well at this point from where she knew him. So many nights as long as she could remember, the man had existed only in her dreams. Christian, still maintaining his downward glance replied, “I am not, I have met you before, many years ago. I should not be surprised that you do not remember me.” “I apologize” she stated. “It’s getting late now and I need to be leaving, it was nice to have met you, again” She stated as she struggled to convince her legs that she needed to walk away. Christian slowly looked up into her eyes, their gaze renewed. She could feel him prying into her thoughts, she could hear him speaking but could not make out the words. Adrian was helpless and could not tear her eyes away, nor did she care to. She felt as if she were in his embrace, as if they were entwined in the center of a cyclone and that their passion was the only form of existence on the planet, the sounds around her being muffled into a roaring silence. They both stood motionless one entranced by the other, Christian breaking the trance as he slowly took one step back, then another. Adrian tried to grasp the sounds of reality as they seeped back into her existence. Her eyes strained to focus on Christian’s face, it seemed as though he were vanishing into a mist that had accumulated around them. As Christian stepped further into the mist he whispered “I will be seeing you again soon Adrian” and then he was gone. The mist slowly lifted unveiling the sights and sounds of the park once more.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:24:10 +0000

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