Sneeze! Cough! Hack! Are you entertaining your co-workers or - TopicsExpress


Sneeze! Cough! Hack! Are you entertaining your co-workers or family with your chorus right now? Dont ask me why...just know I was inspired to share this today. Every passing nastiness used to give me a cold and go straight into a sinus infection. And I got the flu every year--the bad both ends kind. Now, no sinus infections since 2008 and last flu was ??? It IS possible to get your immune system operating more effectively. Its not that our family doesnt get sick--its that we rarely get sick and when we do, we fight it easily. My top immune system secrets: 1. Continually pump your body full of NUTRIENTS from FRUITS & VEGETABLES. The medical research is indisputable that the immune system absolutely REQUIRES fruit & veggie nutrients to function normally (as in mandatory, aka car can rumble along with a flat tire but its not a fun ride). Contrary to many parents of pre-schoolers, catching everything that goes by every year is not normal immune function and severe symptoms lasting more than a day or two isnt either. PRESCRIPTION: Get a minimum of 7 servings per day (9 for men) of fruits & vegetables. Raw is best. Steamed is next. If youre microwaving, you might as well eat the box instead because youd get about as much nutrient. TIP: Start the day with 3 raw servings in a green breakfast smoothie. And utilize a whole food concentrate to bridge any nutrient gaps (as youre striving to get those servings & more). We use JuicePlus and believe its best on the market because we can trust whats in it & whats not. 2. Ever been to the ocean when you had a cold? One good wave will quickly clear out those nasal passages and kill that stuff up there. Get the bottled kind. Its called SALINE Spray and its less than $1 at your favorite discount store. Numerous family members & friends owe me unending gratitude (or a beer) as theyve reduced chronic sinus infections to zero with this tip. PRESCRIPTION: Spray saline in each nostril with gusto 3 times per day and before bed. We get ours at Target and switch the (small) bottle frequently. TIP: Afterward, soothe your throat with a little honey. 3. When youre fighting something (and the process shouldnt knock you out of commission if youve been nutritioning your body for several months...better results with each month that passes), absolutely DO NOT EAT REFINED SUGAR. The science of what happens to immune cells is interesting but Ill skip it here. --something about white blood cells not being able to engulf bacteria. Trust me, fascinating. Just know that each teaspoon of sugar (think a packet) reduces immune ability by 25% and it starts within a hour and lasts for up to 5 hours. I just made those numbers up. But its something like that, so think that. PRESCRIPTION: Eat an orange instead. TIP: Peel is first. 4. When fighting a virus, oregano oil is your slingshot, nay, your phalanx, nay, your gun powder, nay, your large capacity semi-automatic machine gun, nay, your GPS-guided munition. PRESCRIPTION: Put 5-8 drops of Oregano Oil in a shot of almond milk (or rice milk or coconut milk) TIP: and have a chaser handy. 5. Build your army. Populate your gut with good bacteria. PRESCRIPTION: Eat yogurt or saurkraut or Kefir or other fermented foods or take a probiotic. 6. Get rest!! Stay home and allow your body to direct all its energy into ramping up that immune fight. And spare everyone else your germs and the chorus. 7. If you have a baby and want to get rid of ear infections, use these tips and put a few drops of high-quality Colloidal Silver in each ear. 8. Put your best tips here! Im always learning... Take care!!
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 20:32:09 +0000

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