Snow and Weather Emergencies A Message to all Jackson Residents - TopicsExpress


Snow and Weather Emergencies A Message to all Jackson Residents Regarding Snow and Weather Emergencies In preparation for upcoming winter snow and other weather emergencies, the Jackson Township Department of Public Works offers the following information to assist all residents. Please make sure that all vehicles and other obstacles, i.e. basketball paraphernalia, skate ramps, hockey nets, etc, are removed from the roadway to insure that the plows and sanders can move through each street efficiently and are able to plow curb to curb. If you are considered “Essential Personnel” i.e. Doctors, Nurses, Medical technicians, Police, Fire, Public Works personnel, etc., please make arrangements to get to and from work prior to the roadways becoming impassable or not drivable. We cannot guarantee that we can get to each and every street within an allotted time period to clear the way for the hundreds, possibly thousands, of essential employees living within the Township. Dialysis patients only, who can provide Medical verification from their physician, may register with the Department of Public Works at 732-928-1311 and will be put on a priority plow list. All others with chronic or severe medical conditions, in case of an emergency, should call 9-1-1 and we will make sure that the roadway is cleared for emergency personnel to reach you during any urgent situation. During heavy winds or snow, please remove all garbage cans/recycling cans from roadways. You may visit our website at to find out of a cancelled recycling pickup. Residents are responsible for shoveling their own sidewalks, driveways and clearing out snow from around their mailboxes. Any questions regarding schools, including clearing of bus stops, openings and closings, should be directed to the Jackson Board of Education at 732-928-1400. You may also listen to radio stations 101.5 F.M. and 92.7 WOBM F.M. for school and Township updates. Jackson Township is dedicated to providing the best services possible for our residents. With your assistance, we can all make that happen safely and efficiently. Thank you. Fred Rasiewicz, CPWM Jackson Township Public Works
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 14:49:14 +0000

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