So - figured Id bring this up based on recent convos in the group - TopicsExpress


So - figured Id bring this up based on recent convos in the group over the past 2 weeks... Call me against the grain, but I just dont feel the need or desire to run to support anything presented to me with a Black face in it or a person of color added. Just like many in the group, I like to see people of color represented in the things I turn to for entertainment - but I like to see them presented RIGHT. Reading people in the group so happy that (insert TV show/flick/comic/book here) added a person of color as a token, sidekick or tool for the white protagonists does nothing for me; I need the character to be presented in a palatable, decent manner with a real role and contribution. Example - Im not a Downton Abbey fan, but I get its a popular and well written show. But the inclusion of a Black character who (shock of all shocks) appears to be some type of entertainer just smacks of Hey look - we got a Negro! Yall can watch him be an outside character pushing along the story of these rich white folks and their servants!! This ties in to the group discussion as I see the glee in various Ooo, look what Marvel/DC are doing with (insert mid to lower level Black character here) and the various go-nowhere convos about who should play whatever Black character on-screen. To that end, heres a hint - your conversation is going NOWHERE because whatever you think doesnt matter - none of you work in casting for any TV series or film, nor do you have the number of the person(s) who could even listen to take your suggestion to heart. So no matter who you THINK would be an awesome Black Panther/Storm/John Stewart/Cyborg, youre gonna get whomever they damned well feel like casting, and youll be crying about why your choice wasnt used - and starting more go-nowhere threads about why your choice would be so great. Hell, youll be lucky if Justin Timberfake or Wentworth Miller (who is actually Black, for the record) doesnt play TChalla in this fictional movie that Marvel wont remotely even consider releasing until, oh, say 2020. In summary - the a large reason these companies can present crap to yall over and over is because you gleefully ACCEPT whatever they put in front of you. Well, I hate brussel sprouts. I dont care how hungry I am, you put those in front of me, I wont get so happy at the sight of anything resembling food that I eat it and ask for more. It has to be EDIBLE to me, preferably with a taste that suits my palate. Same with representations of my culture and people of color in entertainment. As for people getting this message - I know. Few will. Its been tried before, and it never sinks in. Guess today is turn.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 17:04:41 +0000

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