So - how do we restore Constitutional America according to Vic - TopicsExpress


So - how do we restore Constitutional America according to Vic Biorseth? 1: In the 2014 Mid-Term Elections: Get strict Constitutionalists in Control of both the Senate and the House. That means defeating most of whoever will be the Party Favorites of both political Parties. We need Constitutional majorities in both houses of Congress. 2: Draw up Articles of Impeachment in the House, and try cases of Impeachment in the Senate, beginning with Comrade Obama (peace be upon him). Bring Impeachment proceedings against all members of all three branches of government who have violated the law and/or violated their oaths of office. If that means we need one or more special elections because, for instance, Constitutional successors to an impeached President are themselves under impeachment, then so be it - hold whatever special elections are necessary. 3: Get a strict Constitutionalist in the Presidency, whether through special election if needed due to impeachments, or through the 2016 election. 4: Pass the Fair Tax, using the Fast Track the Fair Tax method to get it in place without waiting on the ratification of the necessary amendment to Repeal Amendment XVI. Get the Fair Tax through the legislative process and on the Presidents desk for immediate signature. Get the Amendment to repeal drawn up, agreed to, signed and into circulation in the States for ratification. With the Fair Tax in operation, everything the government is doing will be funded, and then some, and no one will be paying income tax any more. Everybody gets a big raise. 5: Kill the IRS. We have said this before, in Kill the IRS, in fact. Once we have a national consumption tax, and all other forms of taxation are made illegal, we will have no need for the IRS, and thus, we should be able to cut the national consumption tax considerably. This means that all the thousands if not millions of IRS employees would suddenly raise the unemployment rate. But remember, every one of them is an Etitle-ista vote; they depend totally and completely on big Marxocrat government for their livelihoods, their benefits, their Obamacare subsidies, their ruling-class lifestyle and all their political clout and bureaucratic power. They will not leave quietly. Nevertheless, they must go; they will have to find out for themselves how to make a living like the rest of us, instead of living off of us. 6: Destroy the Political Party Concept, as described in No Party America. Legislate to outlaw the ability of any professional Political Party to hold conventions in which to select candidates for high office in America. Let states and/or regions of states organize their own conventions for that purpose. Get away from professional politics and back toward representative statesmen running for high office, rather than mere polished, professional, career, Party Politicians. 7. Stop funding the UN, and consider the possibility of getting out of it altogether. Outlaw all aspects of Agenda 21 in the USA, and declare any other harmful agreements or treaties that impose rules on the American citizenry and the American private sector that are other than American Constitutional rules to be null and void. In all matters affecting the private sector and American citizens, the American Constitution retains supreme legal standing in America whether anyone outside America likes it or not. Limit all treaties to inter-government and international matters only. 8. Secure our national borders and round up all criminal aliens legally subject to criminal prosecutions, convictions, penalties and deportations, as recommended in the various Criminal Alien pages. With no changes, strictly and forcefully enforce standing border law and standing immigration law, to the letter. Border security law and immigration law are not broken. They are simply, purposefully and criminally, not being enforced by the current theoretically representative government. 9. Shut down Common Core from the top, by shutting down the Department of Education and all education funding. The federal government is not qualified to do education, nor is it Constitutionally authorized to fund it or have anything whatsoever to do with it. Education is extra-constitutional. Shutting it down means that all federal funding to states for education will stop. Reciprocally, it means the federal government has no say in what states do re education. It is an inducement for states to immediately act to either take over education entirely on their own, or, leave education to the private sector, where it properly belongs. We said as much in our argument against public education. 10. Close all non-Constitutional bureaus. If we start with the EPA, we will have made enormous progress toward restoring Constitutional America. Every rule and regulation, every standard, everything EPA has done, and all agencies like it, is either extra-Constitutional or flat out un-Constitutional. The Constitution nowhere grants Congress the ability to delegate its sole authority to legislate law. The very existence of all of these Administrations, or Soviets as the Russians would call them, is un-Constitutional in and of itself. We are Americans. We do not need to be administered. With every bureaucracy cut, there could be a commensurate cut in the national fair tax. Read the rest:
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 02:46:47 +0000

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