So 2 dreams last night, not nightmares, but vivid dreams that have - TopicsExpress


So 2 dreams last night, not nightmares, but vivid dreams that have me cracking up and wondering where they came from all at the same time. haha First dream was a quick little one. I invited some friends for lunch at our country club, but it was a BBQ pit with the same name. In the style of Wizard of Oz, Dave Cornoyer you were there, and Jeremy Kip you were there, and Denise Heximer you were there, and Candace May you were there and I had you sit next to me to catch me up on things, and Дэвид Ибарра you were there. I know there were others, but those faces are the ones I specifically remember and interacted with. Weird huh? Maybe it is the Universes way of saying I need to check in with all of you. xx Second dream, and this one is just weird. Most people know I love horror movies and love the Alien franchise. So in this big building, kind of like the underground offices of Umbrella Corp in Resident Evil, and I am doing some kind of work, but I never really figured out what. My man was down there and weird enough, so were some of his road guys, but none of my friends were in this one. Now the rooms at each end of the hall, the room I am working in, and the big bar like room he and his guys are in, lock and are secure, but the hallway has Aliens in it, but they are not as aggressive as they are in the movie. I forgot to mention our dogs Minnie and Rocky are in this dream. So I am doing some work in my office area and I see Minnie and Rocky in the hall and let them in quickly to spend some time with me. Then when it is time to leave my office, we go out quickly and run down the hall. For whatever reason, Rocky was super fast, but Minnie being Minnie was all over the place and I am having to keep her from these Aliens. At the very end of the hall, outside of the bar room where J and his buddies are, is this stack of crates. An Alien grabs Minnie and climbs up these crates and makes hand gestures like her for me, so of course, I go up on the crates and the Alien lets Minnie go and she is safe in the bar room. But here is where it gets sooooo odd. I am up on these crates and this Alien starts talking to me, asking me why we are here and what our plan is. His voice is so familiar and then his skin starts shedding and the big head falls apart and off, and who is the lead Alien?! George Takei!!! Then I woke up! Anyone want to analyze that one?
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 19:04:21 +0000

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