So...22 year old John Crawford was shot and killed in Walmart for - TopicsExpress


So...22 year old John Crawford was shot and killed in Walmart for carrying a b.b. gun that he picked up off of the shelf (presumably to purchase). The cops shot him within .33 of a second upon approach. Heres the interesting thing...Ohio has an open carry law. What does that mean you ask, well Ill tell you. It means that a gun owner has the right to carry their gun out in the open. So....young John walks into a store to buy a few things, decides that hed like to purchase a b.b gun, picks it up and continues to shop. Cops get a call, not because hes doing anything wrong (please refer to the numerous videos of the incident circulating), but because hes...there. Cops roll up, dont address him, warn him, or even scream at him and call him names. They roll up, open fire and then ask questions. To make matters worse, afterwards, they aggressively interrogate his Im not even sure what to say here. Ive heard people say its just a few bad apples, or you dont know how stressful it is to be a cop, or my personal favorite he must have been doing something wrong, they dont just shoot people for no reason. Well, former Mayor Giuliani had a theory that people embraced. He called it The Broken Window. If a house has broken windows, or is in disrepair, people walking by are more likely to throw a rock through other windows in said house, or throw garbage on the property. The reasoning is, if you dont care about it, why should we? Ok, well...the cops have a few broken windows in their house and its in disrepair. You want the support of the people? you want them to get behind you? Fix your house!! Dont disciple the bad cops, dont get them sensitivity training. Fire them and put them in jail!! or at the very least, indict them!! Let a jury decide. Stop sending the message that its ok to kill people and then getting mad at the citizens who overheard you yelling at the top of your lungs that their lives dont matter. Oh ye who live in glass houses yet seem to have a pile of rocks at the ready, stop blaming the victim, or buy a house thats not see through, because... We... see... You!!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 14:45:23 +0000

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