So ABO have responded to my request to leave our community - TopicsExpress


So ABO have responded to my request to leave our community ....well they answered but ignored the most important point that we dont want them. My original post is below on 27th Feb with the Furzen Wiesel Zerstörer (Wind Weasel Destroyer) the mascot of my fight against this wind farm here in the Highlands - pinched exactly as shown from a German facebook page. I have repeated it here: You will, no doubt, have seen the reports that SSE have abandoned their two controversial developments at Dalnessie and Fairburn Extension. The communities have breathed a great sigh of relief as those particular threats have been removed from their lives. Our communities are very disappointed that your company ABO Wind has chosen to ignore the heartfelt pleas of over 400 individuals and over 80 businesses to withdraw your proposal in the Kilmorack / Strathglass area. This is not an insignificant number of people coming together in a short space of time in an area such as this. Expect more to join us if you continue with your unwanted plans for a wind factory here. SSE cited that the developments were not financially viable. It would perhaps be prudent of ABO to heed that when considering a wind factory in a similar location to the abandoned Fairburn Extension. Perhaps SSEs announcement had something to do with the fact that the constraint payments paid to wind farm operators not to operate are under UK government scrutiny and will be severely reduced if the industry does not act voluntarily and cut them itself. See report today here: A feature of many parts of the Highlands is that there is often no wind (especially when extremely cold and energy demand is high) or there is far too much and turbines have to be shut down. If the constraint payments are reduced significantly can wind factories be viable? Quite possibly not - especially here. I, on behalf of many others, am asking you once again to leave our area in peace. We do not want you and your development here - whatever size you finally propose. Nothing is going to appease us to accept you or your turbines. Your literature talks of working with the community and consulting with businesses. Please put those sentiments into practice and take notice of what you have been told by the people who live here. Considerable resources and the engagement of experts had been put into fighting Dalnessie and Fairburn Extension. Those remaining resources have been added to new funding and are now available for use elsewhere to protect communities who do not want industrial wind developments. If you truly want to be good neighbours as you say you will abandon your wind project here. Good neighbours do not propose 132m industrial wind turbines in our community. I look forward to confirmation that ABO Wind have reconsidered their wind development proposal at Kilmorack and Strathglass and will not now be progressing with any application. Yours sincerely Mrs L Ward So they wrote today: Dear Mrs Ward, I was very much aware of SSE’s announcement regarding its plans for two of its developments in the highlands and all I can say on it is that it is a matter for SSE and their own internal decision making process as to which projects in its extensive portfolio to concentrate on. Our internal assessment process will be different to those of SSE and we still strongly feel that Allt Carach represents an extremely good area for an on-shore development. With regard to your interest in constraint payments; these have never and will never be a factor in the viability of any of our schemes. Indeed what is commonly overlooked and under reported, is the vastly higher percentage of constraint payments paid to conventional generation than renewable energy generators. So I replied: Thank you for your email. I note with disappointment that you do not consider the wishes or address the concerns of the community in respect of your proposal. The submission of the mast application last week confirms you are not listening to the vast numbers of people here who have made their feeling against your project quite clear. It is interesting that you are so convinced that this is an extremely good area for an on-shore development when the only wind farm in this area is one of the most poorly performing developments recorded and the operators have just abandoned plans for an extension as financially not viable. The constraint payments to conventional generation cannot be compared to those paid to wind. There are several reason why this is so as anyone who has looked into the matter well knows. In addition wind is known to be intermittent and unreliable unlike conventional energy sources and should never be compared on a like for like basis. Yours sincerely Mrs L Ward And I think that has endth the communication .......
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 21:56:40 +0000

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