So, Alfie and I are on the park and hes posing maths questions for - TopicsExpress


So, Alfie and I are on the park and hes posing maths questions for me and generally being all-round loveable. He asks if he can go on the slide and I say yes, tell him to be careful, hug him then kiss him on the forehead. This woman of around 30 sat on the bench glares and says you really shouldnt do that. I look around for the child she is berating until I realise its me. Pardon? I dont think you should force yourself onto your child, well, I HOPE its your child. Its not good for him. Now, hed hardly pushed me away. He can sometimes be prickly but not on this occasion. I admit it; I saw a feint red mist and things went blurry. What do you mean by that? He didnt ask for a kiss. When he was born he probably wanted his mother to cradle him but you have obviously taught him from birth that it is acceptable for you to kiss him and hug him to make you feel better. Thats not acceptable. Hell grow up thinking that it is fine to hug and kiss people. Now, Alfie is very affectionate towards his school friends. They are also affectionate to him. Girls hug him and kiss him all the time and vice versa. He hugs his friends, and vice versa. So this perhaps touched a nerve. Are you saying its wrong to show affection? If he grows up to be a pest towards females, then it is. If he grows up and thinks it is acceptable to hug and kiss children. So shes now fundamentally saying hell grow up to be a rapist and a paedophile all because I love him. She has no idea what shes dealing with. Two years ago shed be a smoking hole in the ground. Hes my son. Im only trying to educate him, guide him and let him know he is loved. I thought that was what parenting was all about? Would you hug and kiss another child? Not anymore, I would like to hug my daughter more often but she is thirteen and has a force field around her as regards human contact. Now she looks like shes caught a whiff of the Swaad sewage pipe. Im not entirely surprised. Not if you are the same with her. Being the provider of the seed doesnt give you any right to touching. Now IM an incestious paedophile. Honestly I can feel metal in my mouth and see it all ending with the third story on News At Ten. I cant even vent any anger at all. This would prove her point that Im unfit for parenthood. I get up and walk around in a circle for ten seconds or so. My head felt like a big moon-shaped kettle. Alfie is clambering up the grass, heading to the top of the slide once more. I caught my breath, wiped my mouth of froth and leaned over the woman. I have to confess I then let loose a stream of around twenty words which could only be regarded as hate speak. Then I walked off to collect Alfie from the bottom of the slide and went home: Alfie doing that wiggly walk-run-skip that five year olds do; me gently sobbing. The thing is....did she have a point? Have we all forced ourselves on our childrens affections by telling them to love us?
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 10:23:17 +0000

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