So, Ali Shanti asked me to share this fun story on another thread. - TopicsExpress


So, Ali Shanti asked me to share this fun story on another thread. I thought you all might get a kick out of my first driving journey from CA to CO with my almost feral cat: Well, I knew my cat would NOT like traveling, so I gave him some Ativan. Amazingly enough, it barely did anything and he was just a tad loopy. If a human took this much, they would be out cold, trust me, I was.. He has long claws (I have not trimmed them in 10 years) and he is quite adventurous and a free spirit. That said, he does not like cages much, and I am sure he would have liked the leather in my car to dig those puppies into. I left him next to me on the front sear in a cage with a soft towel in it. He had a harness on (first time ever and he was 13) and a leash as needed when we had to stop for bio breaks. About 2 hours into the trip, he started meowing very loudly. He had been doing this some on the trip, so I assumed he was just speaking up. Forgetting that he does this when he needs to let one loose, he ends up letting it rip in the cage. Lesson 1: have a litter box available. We end up stopping at Target in the middle of the CA desert. I quickly open the passenger door, get the cage on the ground and leash him up to get him out of his shit-coffin.. He thrashes like a shark and breaks free, blowing the harness apart and runs through the parking lot of Target! I surrendered right then, releasing my cat to the wild, pretty darn sure I would not catch him. Lesson 2: buy a small dog harness. He destroys my forearms and legs through this process and I am dripping blood everywhere. Thankfully, Target has a nice bathroom to clean up the thought-to-be gouges that needed stitches in my hand and leg. Lesson 3: bring Hydrogen Peroxide in case your cat flips out. In my surrender, yet commitment to get my lil guy back in the now poo-free carrier, I see him trying to get into the garden area, anticipating a hiding place amongst the foliage. He cannot get through the bars and I catch him! A nice woman opens the car door and we toss him back inside. I am still dripping blood at this point and leave him in the car to go clean up. Lesson 4: In the desert while you clean up, leave A LOT of windows open - FULLY open, not halfway. After buying a dog harness, cleaning my forearms and the like, I come back out.. It was maybe 80 degrees, but hot enough to put the poor cat into heatstroke.. Of course my AC started going out on the drive from CA to CO.. It took a LONG time for him to cool. And frankly, I thought he was ODing on Ativan. Lesson 5: charge your AC up before you leave on long trip! And were off... He finally calmed down after we both literally scared this shit out of each other.. Moral of the story - pooing in a cage in the front seat was no fun for anyone involved.. Have a littler box handy and let him/her roam freely, risking leather....
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 16:37:47 +0000

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