So... Amazing Spider-Man 2. Surprised at the high number of empty - TopicsExpress


So... Amazing Spider-Man 2. Surprised at the high number of empty seats at the Imax theatre. Word of mouth is mixed on this one, and after seeing it I can see why. Overall... better than the last one, which I liked, but more troubling. My first thought on leaving this film is that someone actually remembered that Spider-Man is a childrens character and a role model. Something the people behind Man of Steel forgot. This is a light film that does have some dark turns before heading into a more positive, redeeming finale. Theres a lot of Schumacher-isms in this one. Not enough to be completely off-putting but just enough to take me out of the film on a few beats--- specifically pre-Electro Max Dillon (think Jim Carreys Edward Nigma before the question-mark fetish) and his silly origin, the over the top Doctor Kafka at the Ravencroft Institute, and Paul Giamattis range in this film is on par with Tommy Lee Jones cackling Two-Face (that is, none). Some additional character actors are pretty much wasted here, including Colm Feore, and Chris Cooper as Norman Osborn. There are so many dead-end subplots as well, mostly involving Peters parents, but also involving the machinations of the Osborne Corps backroom and the degenerative disease that the Osborne men have that turns them a sickly green. Its almost like every character that enters into Spider-Mans world eventually becomes an idiot and a stereotype. Twitchy Peter Parker is still twitchy. The dialogue is at times painful. Emma Stone is all wide-eyed and punchy - they manage to keep things light when they interact, even when they keep breaking up and getting back together. Its complicated. I enjoyed the interactions between Peter and Harry as well. The Peter as science geek moments were also fun. Spider-Man - looks great, the swinging and leaping scenes continue to be outdone, film after film. Hes also very punny and annoying, for the first time thats been done correctly. Electro - nice effects, one-note villain. No complaints on the action sequences. Hes crazy and has to be stopped. Very similar to the other blue man of superhero cinema -- Dr. Manhattan. Green Goblin - lots of lead-up to a five second transformation and a 2 minute battle which is there really for one specific purpose. Well, that and to set up their expanding plans for other movies. Of course, I was surprised at how upset I was at that outcome of the Goblin battle. I know how Peter feels, although the cause is a little more identifiable here, the results are the same... and I was touched by the message that no matter what, you have to do what you have to do and keep going. People rely on you, even after a terrible tragedy. Anyway, you should still see it. Dont have high expectations and youll enjoy it more.
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 13:16:00 +0000

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