So Amazing, ahhhhhhh!!! Othusitse Mmusi I WENT TO HEAVEN - TopicsExpress


So Amazing, ahhhhhhh!!! Othusitse Mmusi I WENT TO HEAVEN 13-08-2013 [BY BRO OTHUSITSE MMUSI] I was just in my room, Laying down, feeling a bit down in my spirit, because I felt I have failed the LORD on some issue, immediately I heard the LORD speak to me” I love you, My son”, I started to feel His fire and Presence envelop & cover my whole body. Then in the morning around 8am, I was instantly transported to heaven, I saw myself standing in a very wide place, the region was full of purest and whitest snow, as far as the eyes can see, I remember looking at the distant south, the topography was so white, then I see Jesus standing before me, as we engaged in a conversation,I see some saints around us,. picking up snow, throwing, running around, just having a great time, I bent, picked up some, throw at them, I could see JESUS picking up snow while He was still talking to me, we were not that many, I cannot remember the exact number, there was so much joy, laughter and peace, I felt so happy and comfortable around Jesus, as if a person I have known for years, felt free to talk to him about anything, then I decided to ask Jesus about the revelation gifts, He began to explain to me that we have to develop the ‘love’ side as we do the ‘gifts’ side,. The gifts are important but they need to be operating on a developed Love side, foundation of love, the gifts alone without the love side are like having firewood without the fire. The love side alone without gifts is like having the potential for igniting a fire but not having any firewood. Both the love side and the gifts need to be developed, then he talked about other things. As we were walking, he was holding my hand, I looked once more at this vast place of snow, then started thinking about the crystal sea, I started pleading with him”Jesus, please take me to the crystal sea”, I was saying that over and over again. He did not answer on that one; I thought maybe he will not take me. The next ‘minute’ I was before the great THRONE of the FATHER, the place was full of tremendous, spectacular Glory, power and light!, It was a large and High throne, with GOD’s person seated amongst that amount of power, light and glory. I felt like an ant, looked like an ant in that huge place! Explosion of love, joy and peace, massive reddish light and waves of His presence hitting my spirit from all points, a sensation where you feel you will explode, I heard His voice and talked about many things, this things are stuck in my spirit, I remember partially where GOD was talking about someone leaving earth pre-maturely, then other things, I remember I was handed a scroll also, in it I saw written, the words of GOD,I noticed in the scroll that GOD is against His children called ‘niggars’, as I was reading the scroll, I saw a vision and received the message by revelation, I saw in that vision some of GOD’s children chased by police, criminal behavior, some wearing sacking trousers, mostly it looked like young men and teenagers, also other behaviors’ that are worldly, like people who are not saved, I could feel GOD was greatly displeased. I was back on the earth, As I was still in my room contemplating this vision, I heard I was called, as I came to the living room, I saw this woman of GOD,I was just surprised to see her, I was just wondering what she was doing in our house, then as she began to speak about assigning angels, I went straight into the spirit realm, I could see the living room clearly but in the spirit realm, I began to see saints but they were in spirit, they looked a bit transparent, a bit whitish, masculine and feminine beings, as soon I saw them, I saw angels appear in corners of the room, every saint had angels next to them, most of which were guardian angels, they looked tall, large ,in purest white robes, they just filled the room, they looked serious and ready for a mission, I later wondered how the room accommodated them as they were so large, massive and it looked like every second they were increasing in number, I remember saying to myself “look at this, angels, angels”, I was shouting at the back of my mind since this is the spiritual realm, you communicate with your mind, words do not some from your mouth. I was very intrigued, a sensation of something about to happen, then immediately there was a movement, as if we are leaving the place quickly. I found myself travelling in the spirit-realm, moving at an amazing speed over nature, creation, .the spirit realm on the earth, I passed countries, African cities, it was a just an adventure, I remember passing this place, I saw a soccer field, with young men playing soccer, it was nearly sunset, I saw flats, skyscrapers, this African city at a distance, it was a beautiful sunset, I was wondering “where I am going?”, then I started rocketing towards the sky, I passed the clouds, went deep into space, passed many components of the spirit-realm, it was a long journey, my eyes were just wide open seeing this things, I did not want to even to blink an eye, as I did not want to miss seeing anything. Then I was passing rapidly into the realm of darkness, I heard so much noise in the 2nd heaven, saw absolute darkness, I felt like falling into a deep pit of space & darkness, I began to cry to GOD “save me, Adonai, elshaddai...”I was saying that over and over,. Until I completely left that realm. Then I saw this path, I was flying over it, it was the most beautiful roadway, it was pure and extremely white, as I was looking at it intently to see what makes it so pure and clean, I went right inside the planet of heaven, still on this path, it looked like an ascent, then I saw this entrance, I remember saying” I am entering now”, I was taken to this other part of heaven, the gate was purely white, very beautiful ,it had a hall way to walk into, there were decorations outside, saw some nature, just to make this place awesome, this was new to me, as I went through the gate, this place was just white, I saw the walls, houses, very white and pure, no word to describe them, I saw two roads, the other leading to the right towards a bright light in the east, another to the left towards the west..I saw this beautiful structure, rectangular, upright but it was extremely green, as if wrapped by green grass, I was amazed by this, I decided to check out the left road. I saw a wonderful white hand with a pointing figure at a distance, I knew it was GOD’s hand, then it began to write, it was a message about how arguments are not allowed in heaven, denominations will cease to exist, saints will be one fold, also saw some saints who have been home sick getting into heaven, also I saw it written that it will be a united church in heaven. After that I saw myself standing on top of a tall structure, I could see this huge magnificent city, I could see houses, mansions, roads, pathways different kinds of structures, it was so pure, very white, I looked at this Tall large Tower like structure, its walls were just purest white, this city was so beautiful and spreading towards the north, south, east and west as far as the eye can see, I saw 6 men before my eyes, you can know when you see patriarchs, prophets or notable people from the bible by just their appearance in Heaven, I knew that some were prophets of GOD from the Old Testament, others just saints from the Old Covenant, they had flowing garments, they had spiritual bodies, I saw Prophet Elijah, next I saw Eliab, then others their names left my memory for some reason, they were talking, at the end I heard them pray, I caught this phrase” Thank you Heavenly FATHER”,I saw this city with my own eyes, from the top of a high building, saw this people. After that it was over, I was back to earth! PRAYER OF SALVATION: DEAR HEAVENLY FATHER: I come humbly, before YOUR Throne in the Name of JESUS. LORD, I am a sinner. I ask you to forgive me all my sins. Cleanse me with the Blood of JESUS. Please write my name in the Book of Life. I believe that JESUS is the ONLY SON of GOD. The Bible says, “If I confess the LORD JESUS and believe GOD raised HIM from the dead, then I shall be saved. I believe now I am born again and I am a new creature. The old life has passed, the new things have come, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. Thank You FATHER! If you really mean it, you are now born again. Welcome to the Family of GOD! Get a Bible and start reading it daily from New Testament and find A Bible-believing church. Stay ready for the rapture. Repent of your sin daily, forgive everyone, tell someone about your decision to become a Christian, make a full surrender of your life and future plans to the LORD in earnest. Ask the Lord to give you a full oil lamp, and begin to have a full-time relationship with the LORD. You can check my book on Heaven on the end times prophecy website or send Susan Davis an e-mail at [email protected] or send it to me at otieya@hotmail to request a copy. Maranatha!!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 19:03:47 +0000

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