So Beyonce and Jay-Z are allegedly going to split after their tour - TopicsExpress


So Beyonce and Jay-Z are allegedly going to split after their tour and Justin Bieber and Orlando Bloom got into a beatdown in a club somewhere. Penelope Cruz and her husband whose name escapes me along with 100 other morons are supporting Palestine over Israel. Folks, I couldnt care less about any of this, but Im getting more and more tired of having this kind of news be more important than what really is. I think when we stop supporting their movies, buying magazines with them on the cover, turn off their music and stop downloading it, and start investing in people whose values we will seem far less annoying. I am trying to focus on what is lovely these friends new babies that pop up on the feed every day or so, the fact that were getting a new Whole Foods in the area, the successes of folks who are trying to live their dream, the reports from Boca Grande from a sweet friend, photos of new grandbabies, companies who support the America that I know, people who are fighters and arent going to let the Big C determine their quality of life, and the travelers, the hopeful, and the helpful. There is so much out there that is more important than who Andi chose on the Bachelorette. (Even if Andi is a Phi Mu...still.) More important than trying to be nice so we dont offend anyone. More important than trying to impress people with our things or accomplishments or our so-called perfect lives. As for me, Im putting a stop to even caring an iota about who is wearing what on any given red carpet - because these are just people. People with wildly different belief systems than mine about 90% of the time, and other than the 10% of good that some of them do, it is a colossal waste of time to give more than a rats behind about what they are doing the 90% of time that they are being amazingly self-indulgent. So, for today, Im going to just jot down a few things that make me smile. And Im going to refuse to open my mind to things that dont need to be there like the 50 Shades of Grey trailer (I wont be seeing the movie because...NO) and the constant harping about things that truly do not matter. What matters is being grateful for this day, for the people who make my life so much brighter and blessed, and for all of the abilities that I have to live and move in this day. The rest of it can just be left by the wayside like the refuse that it is. Ready to get after it! :)
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 11:35:22 +0000

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