So Christy Herzog I accepted the challenge and then got bored and - TopicsExpress


So Christy Herzog I accepted the challenge and then got bored and did it when I got home. Adrianne and Kaitlyn if you want to know random things about your brother here they are. 1. I think owls are not to be trusted. They are highly suspicious animals that have creepy eyes and twisty heads. 2. I think some deranged deviant invented footwear that covers the entire foot. 3. I think God had a supremely special purpose when He made cats and that was that we might be their slaves, and so glorify God greatly in that submission. (That one is kind of a joke, or is it?) 4. I think the fact that some horses let people ride on them is questionable at best. Plus, I once saw this movie, documentary I believe, where a horse was fighting people with a sword in his mouth, very bizarre stuff. 5. I like Tangled (The Disney movie) a lot. Like if I am talking to my roommate I will be like “yeah, I love what you are saying right now, but imma throw this on in the background real quick, yeah keep on talking, I’m listening” 6. One of my dreams is to buy a live cow and slaughter it in my backyard and then feast. The backyard would preferably be on an island that I own, tanned, rested and alone...surrounded by enormous piles of money. 7. I like chiasms 8. The smell, look and yes even the taste in the air around the ocean are three of my favorite things. One of my favorite things in the world is standing on the shore of where a large body of water meets land and looking out and not being able to see anything but water. 9. I am very picky about hair. If you have a muss of something on your head I will simply assume that you are too poor to buy a comb. If a random comb comes in the mail, it was me. 10. I drive almost exclusively barefoot. 11. The first time I saw Les Miserable I cried three times, I also cried three times the second time I saw it. All six times were at different scenes. 12. I am always down to talk about a metanarrative, preferably THE metanarrative. 13. Ecclesiastes and Ephesians are my favorite books of the Bible. 14. The book “A Separate Peace” is the first book that scarred me for life. Seriously, it is one crazy book. 15. I am really good at rocking babies to sleep. 16. Sometimes I get sad and wonder if Boo Radley really loves me. 17. The Hymn “It is Well with My Soul” was one of the greatest comforts when my mother died. 18. I think Blue eyes are far more beautiful than Brown eyes. 19. When I see a man with a beard, not scruff, I either do a fist pump in my mind or for real. I also usually try to thank him or congratulate him on the glory that is growing on his face. 20. I both love and hate crunchy leaves. I love that they exist and that when I stomp on them they make a wondrous noise. I hate them because each leaf only comes with one good crunch and once I have used up the good crunch I must now seek out, with much vigor, more crunchy leaves, because one is simply not enough. 21. I love rain. I have danced in the rain, walked in the rain, skipped in the rain, stomped and splished and splashed in the rain. I have even jumped in rain puddles, recently, without realizing that I was fully clothed and then had to go home and change. 22. I want to meet Joss Whedon, not because I care about Avengers, but to console him about the fate of Firefly even though it has been over a decade since it was canceled. It still hurts. 23. I usually go through intense time periods of reading that last for around 6 months. Then I don’t read for about 3-4 months. 24. Sometimes I think the show Lost was a waste of my time, but I am afraid to say it out loud. 25. I listen to almost no modern day music, or much music in general. While at work we were watching the movie Epic with the kids and one of my co-workers informed me “The toad is played by Pitbull.” To which I responded “Who is Pitbull?” Much open mouthed staring then ensued.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 03:15:34 +0000

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