So..ENOUGH about is some information we can all use, - TopicsExpress


So..ENOUGH about is some information we can all use, remembering "no one thing, means ANYTHING in Chinese Medicine. Patterns need to be observed. Meridian & Organ Time Table: if you experience pain or other issues during a certain time, it give us a clue as to where the energy in our body is stuck...hope you like the information> 5am – 7am: Large Intestine Time 5am-7am is when Blood and Qi flow concentrates in the Large Intestines. The Large Intestine is responsible for helping us create our bowel movements. So perhaps it is not surprising that many people move their bowel first thing in the morning during the TCM-optimal time for it. According to TCM, it is beneficial to train your gut to have morning regularity because the fact that this is peak Large Intestine time makes this a fantastic time for efficient elimination of wastes. Emotions that are linked to the Large Intestine are “feeling stuck”, or a more general “grief” which can be embodied as constipation. If you feel serene and at peace at this time, perhaps this signifies that you have no current problems with grief or feeling stuck, whereas if you find yourself grumpy at such hours, perhaps this indicates that you are grieving about something or frustrated regarding feeling stuck about something in your life at the moment. 7am – 9am: Stomach Time As this is the peak Stomach time, digestive function is optimal at this time. So this is the perfect time of day to eat your breakfast. The Stomach is linked to the emotion of worry. Any significant physical or emotional changes you’re aware of at this time may relate to this Stomach-linked emotion and to digestive function. 9am – 11am: Spleen Time The TCM Spleen is considered to be the most important digestive organ in Chinese Medicine. It carries out digestion of breakfast at this time, so if you’re running a bit late and having breakfast at these hours, it’s still a TCM-approved time to eat. Like the Stomach, the Spleen is linked to the emotion of worry, overwork, over-thinking and general excessive mental exertion. Any physical problems at this hour, particularly problems in digestion, can relate to these emotional factors. In fact any digestion problems at any time of the day may potentially relate to these Spleen emotions according to TCM theory. 11am – 1pm: Heart Time The emotions of the Heart are joy, enthusiasm and restfulness. This means that according to TCM, the Heart is made stronger with these emotions, and is hindered by their opposites. Any physical problem at this time, such as aches or pains, or energy dips, may be linked with blockages in feeling your Heart’s full Joy. The TCM Heart has an aversion to Heat. It is interesting therefore that in many hot Mediterranean countries a siesta is taken at these hours. It’s as if they are in tune with the TCM Heart’s natural inclination to avoid the Heat. For the same reason of avoiding Heat, TCM indicates that going for a heat-inducing-run during Heart hours is not recommended for optimal Heart health. 1pm – 3pm: Small Intestine Time Small Intestine Time is a brilliant time to eat lunch. The emotion linked with the Small Intestine is also Joy. 3pm – 5pm: Bladder Time The Bladder is linked to Fear. Physical signs and symptoms at this time could relate to this emotion. Salty foods strengthen the Bladder, so drinking a cup of savoury miso soup would be beneficial at this time. 5pm – 7pm: Kidney Time The Kidney is the body Organ most strongly linked to Fear. Not only are physical manifestations at these times possibly related to Fear, but also it is best avoiding things like horror movies at this time because it can weaken the Kidney. The Kidney is also closely linked with willpower, security, feelings of aloofness and isolation. So any signs and symptoms popping up at these hours could have something to do with these Kidney emotions. Like the Bladder, the Kidney is also strengthened by salty foods. 7pm – 9pm : Pericardium Time Some sources associate this time with good circulation and peak reproductive function. Since the Pericardium is closely linked to the Heart, its associated emotion is also Joy. Physical changes and changes in well-being at these hours may therefore reflect your state of Joy. 9pm – 11pm : Triple Warmer Time This organ is also linked to Joy. 11pm – 1am : Gall Bladder Time The Gall Bladder is linked to Courage and the use of wise judgment. Signs and symptoms arising at these hours can relate to problems with making decisions, (e.g. indecision or making rash decisions), shyness and timidity. 1 am – 3 am: Liver Time Since the Gall Bladder runs along a similar meridian to the Liver meridian, technically, from 11pm Liver activity begins to be active, peaking between 1-3 am. The Liver is important in detoxifying body toxins and according to TCM, it also detoxifies our emotions. The emotion linked most strongly to the Liver is Anger, although frustration, bitterness and resentment are closely linked to it too. It’s a good idea to be asleep at these hours to allow maximal energy to be diverted for detoxification. This explains why an early night’s sleep is congruent with a healthy body and mind.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 19:22:04 +0000

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