So Ed Miliband is going to freeze electricity prices aint that - TopicsExpress


So Ed Miliband is going to freeze electricity prices aint that nice of him, god could anyone of you see the Labour leaders of old doing that no. The first thing they would do is put in place a programme of nationalizing all the utilities. Its no wonder Scotland wants to shape their own future when Westminster is full of right wing politicians, most pandering to the government. I am talking through my arse am i well then explain why a vast majority of Labour politicians voted for the 1% benefits cap as well as voting for an 10% pay increase 11% this year i rest my case. Some will think by voting Labour we will have some kind of utopia, well wait until the result of the next general election is known, and if as predicted Labour win start looking for the excuses why they cant keep their promises. I can see it now the people of Scotland having a bleddy good laugh at what is left of Britain, a country going down faster than The Titanic and its all because yet again the people of Britain slept walked into the icy waters of the deepest ocean. Labour are scared of loosing their chance to topple the Tories by loosing their Scottish M.Ps, well does it really matter in the grand scheme of things as you will only be replacing one right wing party with another. The only choice for what is left of Britain is to break apart even further and all Celtic nations getting away from the shackles of a fading monolith, then and only then will there be fairness within this group of nations.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 23:23:32 +0000

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