So HAPPY to be able to share this post!!! .... Jessie Domack ... - TopicsExpress


So HAPPY to be able to share this post!!! .... Jessie Domack ... Mr. Hudson Levi Update: He is slowly moving his way up the recovery hill. This morning they removed his breathing tube!! He is under a little hood (space helmet or bee keeper mask) to help acclimate himself back into regular air, but he is much more pleased with that then the tube. His bleeding areas have pretty much stopped, which is such a big hurdle. Now he is just trying to fight off this virus and keep his blood levels, clotting factors, and liver enzymes at a happy level. And some of those he is maintaining and some are just a little off but MUCH better then days in the past. We still are unsure as to how much damage his liver had and how it will recover, but he is moving in the right direction everyday. So we still continue to ask for your loving and positive thoughts for our little tough guy or as they call him "moose" in nicu bc he is such a big boy! we appreciate all of the love from everyone and you all are helping him and us so much. Thank you
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 15:02:18 +0000

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