So, Hamas and Israel...The rant of today. Now despite what the - TopicsExpress


So, Hamas and Israel...The rant of today. Now despite what the Right and even the Leftist view on this conflict neither Israel nor Hamas are angels, to the contrary, the former is willing to kill hundreds of innocent people to get to the latter and the latter is perfectly willing to hide behind innocent people to gain the support of the media foolish enough to make them seem the wronged party. In truth, both parties are wronged parties Israel is forced to such methods because of their geographical location, they are surrounded by enemies both internal and external and they have no choice but to be brutal if they wish to survive as a nation. They arent a terrorist state they arent evil nor are the Palestinians, if one was to question Israels legitimacy as a nation one must also question every African country save Ethiopia, and majority of the Middle East as well. They were all created when the Colonial powers of the world left. Although, its creation is slightly different... Israel became a nation in 1948 following the Arab-Israeli war, or the Israeli war of Independence. After the UN Partition Plan failed, the land of Judea or Palestine was to be divided into three separate nations. A Palestinian State, a Jewish State, and a neutral zone in Jerusalem. The Palestinians assisted by all border countries save Jordan attacked the Israelis the moment English forces departed...Israel, to put it bluntly whooped all of them in a time-span of less than a year. This resulted in the state of Israel being properly born...And a fair bit of oppression and hostility showed towards the losers. The Palestinians then went on without a voice, being treated as second class citizens and often being deprived of basic necessities whenever there was a shortage, that is until, Ahmed Yassin, Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi, and Mahmoud Zahar founded Hamas in 1987 to represent Palestinian interests and the desire for a Palestinian state. Honestly, there are quite a few similarities between Hamas and the Irish Republican Army. Both sides now have quite a bit of blood on their hands, being that since Hamas founding there has been near constant conflict between the two factions the recent affair in Gaza is merely the most recent. Now, my ideas on a repair of the situation? They dont come from working together. Israel basically has two options in this situation, destroy Hamas...Which is neigh impossible, ideas dont die. Or, target their recruitment appease majority of Palestinians and Hamas will lose support, however, unlike the English and the IRA they cant afford to make Palestine its own country. Israel wouldnt have enough ground to defend itself should their Arab neighbors invade again, personally, the only plausible option I can think of is reform. Representation for the Palestinian moderates in Israels government and an emphasis on improving the situation for the Palestinian people, if life is good and things are going well the Palestinians wont want to join Hamas..Its comparable to MLK and Malcolm X, if the Israelis support the MLKs of Palestinian Hamas, their equivalent of the Black Panthers will lose support. If people dont have a reason to fight, they wont fight...The Palestinians need to graduate from Malcolm X to MLK and the Israelis need to work with them.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 04:33:40 +0000

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