So Hillary Clinton, Rick Perry, and Billy Graham Were on a - TopicsExpress


So Hillary Clinton, Rick Perry, and Billy Graham Were on a Plane… The airplane was about to crash, and there were 4 passengers left, but only 3 parachutes. The first passenger, Rick Perry said “I’m the governor of the great state of Texas, and I have a great responsibility, being the leader of millions of people, helping lead our state to prosperity, etc.” So he takes the first parachute, and jumps out of the plane. The second passenger, Hillary Clinton, said “I am the future first female President of the United States, and I am the smartest woman in the world.” So she takes the second parachute and exits the plane. The third passenger, Billy Graham, says to the fourth passenger, a 10-year old boy scout “I am old and frail and I don’t have many years left, so as a Christian gesture and good deed, I will sacrifice my life and let you take the last parachute.” The boy scout said “It’s okay! There’s a parachute left for you. The ‘world’s smartest woman’ took my backpack.”
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 04:14:12 +0000

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