So How was your day today? Got out of bed pretty cozy right? Cold - TopicsExpress


So How was your day today? Got out of bed pretty cozy right? Cold out but all in all no biggie. You are home. Make some breakfast, get the kids and yourself ready for your day and out you go. BACK home before you know it. So you complain here an there through out your day. Maybe to much traffic on the way to work? Wish you could of stayed home. Bet those kids of yours wish they could of watched Cartoons or played video games today. But all in all not so bad right. Your finally home. Or still en route Almost home?? Wow that smell of dinner is really making you hungry. Kids done with homework? Everyone finally looking forward to just being together. No matter how your day was bottom line is YOUR HOME.THAT FAMOUS SAYING... NO PLACE LIKE HOME. Well let me smack a little reality in your routine. See these little guys here in this video they once had a home. They dont anymore because they were dumped by owners who found some excuse to walk them in the front doors and sign them away to animal care and control a high kill shelter . They have No warm beds to sleep in . No humans to comfort them and make them feel safe. No warm meals. Not in the AM ,AFTERNOON OR EVENING HOURS. As a matter of fact they are in conditions that are horrible. Stacked on top of each other in metal cages due to over crowding. Some dont even make the euthansia that is planned for them in the days ahead. Oh by the way that is the initial plan from ACC right from the start as soon as they walk in those front doors. So dont be fooled. All dogs are scared they get depressed, and I will tell you I am RIGHT ON WHEN I SAY THEY ARE ALONE AND EMPTY because they have been abandoned. WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS? WELL I AM HOPING THAT MY WORDS OF TRUTH WILL INSPIRE YOU TO DO SOMETHING UNSELFISH. REACH OUT FOR ONE OF THESE DOGS. THE SENIORS THAT HAVE SO LITTLE TIME LEFT, THE YOUNG WHO HAVE A LIFETIME WORTH AHEAD OF THEM AND MAKE THEM PART OF YOUR FAMILY. BECAUSE TRULY THIS IS HEARTBREAKING. IT HURTS THE HEART. THEY ARE SUCH INNOCENT ANIMALS. WHAT DID THEY DO?? WHAT?? NOTHING. NOT ONE THING DID ANY OF THESE ANIMALS DO TO DESERVE SUCH A HORRIBLE FATE IN LIFE. THEY WILL SURLEY DIE. IF YOU DONT TAKE A STAND AND HELP THEM. SO PLEASE HEAR WHAT I HAVE TO SAY. DONT BE LIKE THE OTHER PERSON WHO WILL READ AND MOVE ON. DO SOMETHING WORTH IT SAVE A LIFE .
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 22:26:25 +0000

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