So, I Made a Film. First off, I want to thank my wonderful cast - TopicsExpress


So, I Made a Film. First off, I want to thank my wonderful cast and crew of Mark Gonzales, Yzaura Vanegas, Jen Cosio, Ryan Marquis Gali, Curtis Corona, Ashley Miller, Cameren Potter, RL Thomas, Code Henry, Marcellus De Love, and Gospel Cruz. I made a film. After years of loving film, studying film, growing through film, experiencing film… I made my own film. I wrote words onto paper and enough people believed in it to make it a reality. I reached my film’s Kickstarter fun today as well. This weekend has been some of the most stressful times I’ve experienced thus far. And I can’t wait to do it again. Making a film definitely drains your energy like a job does, it keeps you away from your loved ones like a job does, it can raise tension and stress like a job does….however, it’s not a “job” at all. Not to me. It’s a passion that only grew brighter this weekend. I still cannot believe this weekend happened. I woke up this morning expecting to go on set again… but it’s over. For now. I’m already on the steps of post-production now and plan for the theatrical premiere very soon. After that, I’m back to the keyboard typing away a new script. Please do not give up on your passions. There is nothing like keeping that fire alive and healthy, no matter how difficult that may be sometimes. There’s a reason why you fell in love with that craft to begin with, no mater what it is. Fall in love with it all over again, keep happy as often as you can and never settle. You all deserve the best in your life pursuits. Keep that fire burning, never lose sight of it.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 03:42:40 +0000

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