So I am known for taking a negative and turning it into a - TopicsExpress


So I am known for taking a negative and turning it into a positive... someone made a not so nice comment about my body today. She apologized and all is well and I am not upset but it has inspired me to share this with you.... Know who you are. Know what you stand for. Know that your journey is YOUR journey and yours alone and there is nobody in this world quite like you. If you have stretch marks, loose skin, scars, what have you.... know that you are absolutely beautiful just the way you are because you are made in Gods image. When I first started out at this weight loss and fitness thing I compared myself to EVERYONE around me and let me tell you - after a while, its exhausting!! I wanted thighs like hers and a stomach like hers and I wanted to look like her ...and I was upset because I lost the same weight but didnt look as toned as the next girl... and that comparison is nothing but POISON to your mind!! If youre here and youre trying and you are making a conscious effort day in and day out to better yourself, that is MORE than ENOUGH! Dont let anybody tell you any different. Not me, not your spouse or family, not your friends, not a stranger. You ARE enough and you are beautiful exactly how you are TODAY. Know that. When you believe that... when people come along with silly comments, they wont bother you because you are strong in the person that you are and you are proud of YOU and that is ALL that matters!!! Im proud of you!!! Your challenge for today is to go tell someone (a friend or stranger) that they are absolutely beautiful just the way they are. have a wonderful day! I am taking my stretch marks, loose skin, pregnant self to the beach in my bikini! :)
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 15:39:47 +0000

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