So I am ready to piss off some closed minded women - TopicsExpress


So I am ready to piss off some closed minded women here is the thing. I am totally for men respecting women. Especially after my past being in an abusive relationship its was hard for me to understand BUT it truly is a 2way street. Here is the were not born cheaters ok. Women think its ok to play a guy bc hey its what guys do right? WRONG! Not all men are cheaters just like not all women are. Think about someone in your past who you might have cheated on or who you were not very nice too. Well, they might have been loyal to YOU but after what you put them through they will most likely change. Do I agree with the mentality no but its how they are choosing to protect themselves against being hurt again. So the next woman who dates him will think he is just a is hurt and has not healed. I see all the time women posting about how a man needs to treat HER. Honestly, if you were doing things right you would be posting things you should do for HIM. I know women equality whatever. Your a lady. You wanna be treated like one....act like on. You wanna act and dress like trash and I can guarantee you will be treated as such and thats not the mans fault its YOURS!. If you wanna be treated like a Queen maybe first you should learn to treat your man like a King. Now there will still be dogs BUT when you have higher self worth then the blinders will come off and you will spot them a mile away and you can STAY AWAY. But how about women quit being so self centererd and start loving our men and taking care of them AS WE SHOULD and you would be amazed how they will want to do the same in return.....just a thought..........
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 15:05:07 +0000

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