So, I am sick. This is not just a physical thing, although it is - TopicsExpress


So, I am sick. This is not just a physical thing, although it is only the bronchial aftermath of a cold. I am also mentally disabled by this physical impairment. Slightly disabled. Unable to focus thoughts. I am trying to assemble the final text for Shakespeares Chair. You have to believe me, it does not matter in which order one reads or arranges this thing. The different versions would be different from each other, but duplicate versions would also play differently, on different days and in the minds of different audiences. I feel that it is inappropriate to favour one smartly arranged structure over another. These solutions can usually be tracked to a learned or absorbed convention. If Ss Chair was an advert or a popular film one could look at shape and duration and the position of contrivances such as hooks and dramatic tension and resolution, etc. I know some of this stuff, because I once worked as a film scriptwriter and my co-worker had read all the Hollywood how-to-books, and for the past half decade my teen age son has been bombarding me with information from one of his favourite websites, tvtropes.Org. But Ss ChaIr as an almost ritual attempt to make sense of a set or field of givens, to walk or sound them into being, should not be worried about holding the audiences attention. They too are collaborators. The text used in Shakespeares Chair is a layer amongst other layers. A grain of words and images and beginnings. Rather than waste this night struggling to do what can be done in haste in the morning, I would rather post a homage to all that have helped and inspired me in the making of this work. Tomorrow - if I recover - the fragments will be better able to dictate to, or with, me their order or disorder. Brian Astbury, William Tanner, Mavis Taylor, Tjaart Potgieter, Chris Pretorius, Jacqui Singer. Ivor Powell, Sue Clark, Roger van Wyk and Kathryn Smith, Julia Rosa Clark, Chas Unwin. Iain Sinclair, Antonin Artaud, Marcel Duchamp, Walter Benjamin, Delia Derbyshire, Oskar Schlemmer, Daniel Defoe, Melville, The Small Back Room, (all the Bs, Beckett, Blake, Bosch, etc) and .... Marco Nicolas Filby, Glen Melvill, Andre Laubscher, and Llewellyn Alberts Jane and Samuel Alexander. Egg Films, Johannesburg and Cape Town, who gave me paid (and challenging) work. Jay Pather, and GIPCA. There are more, sorry if memory has failed. .
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 17:54:04 +0000

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