So I am using part of a quote that I read from a person that was - TopicsExpress


So I am using part of a quote that I read from a person that was discussing the tragic situation in Olathe and the girls being bullied and taking their own lives. I have no idea the details in this situation, but am heartbroken that these two girls felt like this was their only options. Here is his quote taken among other statements - Its not mental illness . Its parents allowing thier children to be jerks. Its the whole social order in high school . Its this whole American Bull that says our group is better than yours . Dont you get it? Our culture is the fault. Its our lack of Love thy Neighbor I am not starting a conversation about mental illness. His quote makes me think about the things that my girls - my fourth and seventh grade children are dealing with. They are dealing with what they call the mean girls (which I have put a stop to - they can not stereotype anyone with that label regardless of their perception of these girls) Girls that they see everyday and every night. I try my hardest to give good advice to my girls on how to handle their peers and unkind things that they do. And I know that my kids are not perfect, but they do know the difference between right and wrong. And if I hear that any of my girls have treated someone with disrespect I want to know and I will give them consequences. This is the only way they learn. It would be a disservice to not give our children consequences when they have treated someone unkindly. Is it really necessary to have kids that are in the same class and the same team to not get along. Is it jealousy, is it really that important to make lies about kids and try to tear them down in front of others. Also trying to isolate certain people from other people is not helpful, it only hurts and causes self doubt and self worth. I say all this because we - our childrens parents.We are responsible for them for the next 9 years or so. This is the time that we lead by example to teach our kids that even though someone doesnt fit a certain type that they should not be ridiculed and set apart from the others. A lot of people will say this is just kids stuff - girl drama and it will work its self out. WHICH is very true, BUT, it doesnt have to be that way. We dont have to love and be besties with everyone in our classes or at school, but we do need to be respectful of our peers. We need to nip this clicky behavior now, before down the road something tragic happens. Madelyn and Jessica love their school and their activities and want nothing more than to continue to grow and learn and make friends along the way that have the same interest as they do. I will get off of my soap box and say that I am starting with ME. My kids will not hear me speak negatively period about another teacher, mother, or child again AND especially not speak negatively in their presence!!! If this passage (?) speaks to you at all please join me in this new attitude and way of thinking. I just want all of our kids to succeed, in whatever form that might take and have their peers by their sides doing the same thing they love as well!!! Ourselves as Moms and our children need to lift up others in our life and not try to tear them down.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 03:43:32 +0000

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