So I am watching this documentary (of course), but there is - TopicsExpress


So I am watching this documentary (of course), but there is something about historians and what not to where they always seem to say; “Before mankind began worshiping a single god.” This, make absolutely no sense. To this day mankind does not worship a single god. To clarify what I mean by “mankind”, I mean humanity, each and every single one of us. That is Mankind. In the ancient world, the Romans had Jupiter, the Greeks had Zeus, Egyptians had Ra, Hindu people had Shiva. I could go on and on listing the different ancient gods of the time frame. God as Christians call him has angels. Helpers. The Angel of Death for example, in ancient Greece was known as Thanatos. To the Egyptians it was Osirus and Anubis. For the Romans it was Mors, (not to be confused with Mars). It was the Jewish that decided there was a single god YHWH who could do no wrong. They did not believe god had other names but different aspects and roles. They used epithets for this. Oddly enough they still have seven different names for god. In reality this is no different that Zeus playing the role of Hera and simply being called Hera. But Judaism claimed all other religious and gods were false, wrong and even evil. During the 8th Century BC the King of the Hebrews ordered the destruction of all temples dedicated to other gods. Curiously some of these gods have a strong resemblance to Satan. As did Pan and Seth. About the same time the Jewish people were rejecting Baal and El, the ancient Egyptians began to reject Seth in the same manner. Starting in the 7th Century VC Egypt was under constant invasion and attack. By the 3rd century BC the idea of a singular evil came about due a “us vs them” mentality. This would eventually spawn the belief that there was a being of pure evil. You know… the whole can’t be good with out evil thing… In ancient times gods were believed to be both good and evil. Is this not true as well for what Christians call god? Has he not destroyed all of humanity a number of times? Bringing down plague, floods and what not on those who defied him? Saving only those who he felt was worthy? In reality the Jewish people wanted to feel special, so they created their own religion to differentiate themselves from the rest of humanity. We see this rather often. One group feels they are better than the other son on and so forth. We are not all that different. Sure some of us are fat, some are skinny, some have good looks, some look like they got beat with the ugly tree. Some are smart, some are stupid. Some have blue eyes and red hair, others have brown eyes and black hair. We are all 99.9% the same. Does it really matter what we call our creator? Does it really matter if everyone is Christian, or Buddhist, or Hindu, or Jewish, or Muslim? Not really cause our bibles all have the same stories, and ideas stolen from the Sumerians and other cultures and religions that came before. Maybe they are worded a little different. Now some will say Muslims are heathens, and while the uneducated racist side of me agrees, the educated intelligent side knows had it not been for the Muslims a majority of the teachings of Christ would not exist today. Every religion has extremist. Catholics have them, Muslims have them, and the Jewish have them. They all have groups that decide what we are allowed to know about our god. Which to me seems really odd since that’s kind of the goal behind religion… to be closer to the creator. To get a better understanding of his grand plan. Or a better understanding of his sense of humor… depends on how you look at it. The second commandment tells us there is more than one god. “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” Really think about what this says. To me it says there are more gods, otherwise why would he be jealous? That he will punish those who defy him and spare those who obey. The Devil aint the one that made you break gods law, he did not lead you into temptation. You lead yourself. Your wants and desires lead you to the path you are on not the devil. Your compassion love and understanding lead you to being a good person not god. He didn’t come from where ever he’s hiding and hold your hand while you took a test. You passed because you studied hard and did the right thing by expanding your mind, evolving as a intelligent being created by god. This all depends on your belief in god of course. I know that space is full of the very building blocks of life. The Big Bang (my belief),if you will created the universe, the universe created every thing around us. The same material that makes up stars make up human beings. So if god created the universe what created god? Perhaps its all one in the same? Perhaps each and everyone of us is a god in our rights. There are more molecules in one strand of human DNA than there are stars in the universe. That makes you a universe. That makes you a creator of life, a bringer of death, god to the life forms inside of your body. So in the end does it really matter if we call him God, Zeus, Jupiter, Ra, Allah, Shiva, Chris, Bob, Steve, Joe, JD, PJ, Patrick, Vickie, Laura, Kristie, Jeremy or Fred? Not really. Perhaps what is important are the teachings. The teachings that have stayed pretty much the same for over 4000 years. The only difference now is in how we are interpreting those teachings. All religions start as cults. Get enough followers and you can be accepted. Does it make their teachings right? No. Christianity used fear and intimidation to take over. When it teaches acceptance and understand. At one point you were either Christian or you were pagan and converted if you were not tortured to death first. I’m pretty sure the bible says to spread the Christian message of love, understanding, compassion, etc. Not to kill anyone who wont convert. How can we say we worship a single god? The Father, the son and the holy spirit. We worship all three. You may say that its one god, three people. If I tell you I’m one person with 4 personalities, I’m clinically insane not god.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 13:48:45 +0000

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