So I barely know anybody going to UTSC, but Im honestly thrilled - TopicsExpress


So I barely know anybody going to UTSC, but Im honestly thrilled to meet new people. Im not really attempting to be funny, its just the person I am, and I hope that you guys are into that type of personality and I can make some new friends! Feel free to message me anytime so that Im familiar with a lot of you guys going into the year! Name / Nickname: Zack/Bodey, Zabo About Yourself: I love sports, music, reading, writing, and just hanging out! Obsessed with the San Jose Sharks and the Texas Rangers. Hometown: Thornhill High School: Westmount Collegiate Institute Age: 18 Faculty: Journalism Intended major: Writing (articles, reviews, etc.) Favorite Music: Most rap and rock Favourite TV Shows: South Park, Family Guy, most comedies. Favourite Movies: Fight Club, American Beauty, tons of comedies. Favourite Computer Games: Naaaat into that. Favourite Blogs/Websites: Fantasy sports pools, sports websites. Favourite Food: Pasta, steak, chicken, perogies, salad, the list goes on yo. Sports you play: Hockey, baseball, football. Do you party?: If I get invited.... Do you drink (coffee)?: French vanilla, if that counts. Do you smoke?: Nope! Never tried :O Is it okay if your roommate drinks?: Not on res but reach my base. Is it okay if your roommate smokes?: Not on res but reach my base. Religion: Jewish/ dont really believe in anything. Level of commitment: If Im passionate about it, 60% Into politics?: I can vote legally but I honestly could not care less. Ever had a roommate?: I sleep with a stuffed animal. Night owl or early bird?: I like sleep, but the nights wont allow me to do so. Time you go to bed on weeknights/weekends: It varies, but usually between 11 and 1. Weekends anytime really. Time you wake up on weekdays/weekends: Weekdays at 8, weekends whenever I want. Do you snore?: Naw. Are your grades important: Of course. Do you mind having people in your room?: Not one bit. Do you mind having people stay over night?: My house is a hotel. If so, how often?: Anytime theyd like. How often do you talk on the phone?: Not very often. Any unusual habits?: Yes. Many. Clean or messy?: Ive showered twice before, wasnt a fan. Shy or outgoing?: Definitely outgoing. Lazy or active?: Really lazy but when in the mood Im the most hyper little kid. Are you going to be working a job on/off campus?: You really think I have the energy for that? Also not living on campus. Twitter: @zackbodey57 Instagram: Not getting sucked into that. Website/Blog:I write for letsgosharks Other: Not that anybody would be attracted to me anyways, but Im in a loving relationship with a great girl, (she made me write that last part)
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 22:11:58 +0000

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