So I cant bite my tongue any longer. The attention that the NYACC - TopicsExpress


So I cant bite my tongue any longer. The attention that the NYACC Dobe Tyson is getting is rather irritating to me and makes it obvious how shallow so many people are. The dog has been shared FIVE MILLION TIMES and there are A TRILLION comments on his threads - so many would take him in a heartbeat, cant understand how stupid someone could be to dump such a beautiful dog, etc. Umm hello - since when do a dogs looks have any determination on health or behavior, for starters? (Not saying this dog has either of those issues or that his humans werent idiots..but dont be ignorant.) And for the million people who are so interested in helping this dog, how about the 100 or so others in this immediate area alone? Yes, Im talking Dobes - Ive got 3 adoptables at my house right now who are incredibly well behaved (one of which has no health issues whatsoever)..yet not an ounce of interest in them because they arent picture perfect (a natural tail, an irregular heart rhythm - nothing that is affecting their quality of life or their personality ONE SINGLE BIT)! And thats just the tip of the iceberg because DOBER, Inc. - Dreaming of Better Endings Rescue has got a list of dogs in need of foster homes. I dare someone to tell me those dogs deserve to die because theyre not as pretty as Tyson (and dont try to make excuses because thats exactly what each one of you is saying when you are dying to get your hands on this dog but refuse to help another)! Come on people, wake up!! PS. Before tail feathers get ruffled, this is nothing against those who are normally advocates for this breed, which I suppose will likely understand what Im saying anyway.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 23:58:35 +0000

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