So I didnt think Marvel Studios could beat what may have been the - TopicsExpress


So I didnt think Marvel Studios could beat what may have been the happiest moment in my movie life, The Avengers, but they did and boy, did they beat it in style! With an excellent political thriller of a storyline and inspired performances from Robert Redford and **gulp**, Chris Evans, this was a superhero movie and so much MORE! Unrelenting action, incredible fight scenes, emotion and hubris at times, and with a touch of humour and intelligent, nay tangible threat to world safety, the movie weighs in at just over 2 hours and not once did I take my eyes from off the screen. That, plus an amazing cast of supporting characters (and cameos - Doctor Strange! Possibly MoonKnight! And of course, DAT first mid-credits Easter Egg - I air-punched!) that filled out an at times surprising roster - I cried at that catch up scene (no shame... I actually gasped a little and sobbed hard in public), I giggled like a fanboy for Batroc the Leaper (sans comedy moustache unfortunately :( ), I was over-joyed that they pulled Crossbones off PERFECTLY, I adored the way a certain other villain returned and was portrayed on-screen, and of course, Black Widow IS the future Mrs. Smart I dream of. And more than anything, I finally got the Captain America I had craved for so long - the kick-ass, yet noble and upstanding Cap - the Cap who can do amazeballs things like he does in the Civil War comics event, and the human Cap America who gets me all teary-eyed every time he speaks good sense and honour (and looks so vunerably out of time). All counter-balanced incredibly with the fantastically portrayed Winter Soldier himself (well played Sebastian Stan!). Brubaker would be proud. And it utilises the now-classic Winter Soldier storyline brilliantly. Along with a liberal dash of the amazing Hickmans limited Secret Warriors storyline. And desperately trying to avoid spoilers here for those who havent yet seen it, but yep - I LOVE the bold decision taken by the makers with the choice of direction by the end of the movie. Quite simply, for me this is the greatest superhero movie ever. 10/10. Hail Hydra imdb/title/tt1843866/
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 00:20:56 +0000

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