So I direct messaged an Instagram page who shares nothing but - TopicsExpress


So I direct messaged an Instagram page who shares nothing but motocross videos and pictures. I told him about the paraplegic motocross rider Darius Glover and asked if he could make a video of him and maybe bring some light on how paraplegics can still kick ass in sports. So the guy made a badass video of him. Darius glover also was at my rehab center a few weeks ago working on his legs. But Ive been in a really good mood lately, just kind of tired and fatigued though. But today I got up and put my boots and jeans on. That made me feel so much better, more normal. But on a different note, I leave here April 8th and the Saturday after that is April 12th. Im having a little get together. But were really gonna have a banger party when Im totally done with the hospital stuff. But Im having a get together April 12. Idk where, but Im having one. Maybe at lake Padgett park if the weathers nice ? I just wanna see my friends again and get out and about. Boy do I have a story for you guys. They put me on this medicine, than decided to switch it over to an IV. Well this nurse sticks me and misses my vein. So he pulls the needle out a tad, goes back in. After the tenth time of him doing this I told get this shit out of my arm. If you missed my vein than you missed it. Start over. So he finds another vein and sticks me. Bloods flowing everywhere Im like wtf are you doing dude ? Where did you graduate from ? So that IV came out after kind therapy session. So this other lady sticks me. In the stupidest place you could one. I wanted to ask her what was going through her mind but I refrained. She put it right in the bend of my elbow. Does she not realize I have to bend and straighten my arm to get around in my wheelchair. So just like I said that one came out. Than they wanted to put ANOTHER one in. Three IV sites in three days. Absolutely not. Bunch of two dollar nurses sticking me. Screw that, Ill put it in myself for that. So I refused the IV and than they come in with this half assed letter written up saying Im refusing IV treatment and any consequences resulting from non treatment by IV are my full responsibility. Uhmmmmmm NOPE ! I aint signing shit you can fluck a duck. I told them that I wanted my bite site to be tested for MRSA but they didnt. They put a blanket medicine that covers most infections. So why would I sign a paper saying Im taking responsibility for that when it could very well be something thst medicine doesnt cover, than I die and the hospital has no liability. Now its all on me. I told them someone dropped the ball by not testing it, and that where I come from, instead of doctors just giving me a generalized medicine that I thought they were supposed to determine what it is, determine the best treatment options than move forward. Bunch of retards. I swear not to toot my own horn but I feel like Im smarter than these people. So bottom line is now I get a shot in my leg that goes directly to my muscle. More than likely I have a staff infection they said. I swear, I keep having these things that kill a lot of people and God just keeps bringing me through them. All this has inspired my next tattoo. As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod, your staff they comfort me. Ive been through some dark times and I always come out the other end on top. Everything will be ok, I promise it will be. Attitude is everything in a bad situation. I cant wait to get past this. The past is like a rear view morrow, every so often you take a glance back to see how far youve come. You need to focus on the big windshield in front of you.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 00:29:30 +0000

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